Chapter Fourteen - Soulmate AU pt 1 (Victuuri)

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"Yuuri, we're going to be late!" Victor said, dragging his fiancé through the airport.

"Victor we'll make the plane without you running." Yuuri tried telling him.

"But I want to make sure. I haven't seen my cousin in years and only met their two kids once, just after the younger one was born." Victor explained for the millionth time, but slowly down a bit so Yuuri wasn't being dragged.

"I know, Victor. You should have gone to see them while we were still in Japan. Would have been cheaper than flying from Russia." Yuuri said.

"But I was trying to get to know you and then we had competitions." Victor started to pout.

"Let's just get on the plane." Yuuri smiled at Victor.

After the 14 hour flight to Tokyo the pair was exhausted. Thankfully, Victor's cousin met them at the airport to drive them to their house.

"How have you been, Victor?" His cousin, Alexandra asked in Russian.

"Good." Victor replied. "Can we switch to English for Yuuri's sake? He's still learning Russian."

"Of course. Unfortunately, my son, Lev, isn't the best at English and doesn't know any Russian. Alisa knows a little though, Victor if you wanted to try talking to her to help." Alexandra said.

"Sure." Victor smiled.

Yuuri sat quietly in the car, absentmindedly running his finger across the words written on his arm. 'A commemorative photo? Sure.' the words which marked Victor as his soulmate. Though he hadn't expected to be Victor's. Didn't even realize he was until after they'd already gotten engaged. He smiled, thinking back to when he'd finally figured it out. It was at dinner the night before the last Grand Prix Final when he'd been told he got drunk at the banquet the year before and had started a dance off and had basically dry humped Victor, telling him to come to Japan and be his coach.

"What are you thinking about, Yuuri?" Victor whispered in his ear.

Yuuri just shook his head, smiling at Victor. "Later, Victor."

"Do you both speak English to each other all the time?" Alexandra asked.

"Usually. I'm still learning Japanese and my Yuuri is still learning Russian. Thankfully, we were both already fluent in English." Victor explained.

Finally they pulled into Alexandra's driveway. "Here we are. Ready to see the kids, Victor and Yuuri?"

Victor glanced at Yuuri, waited for a small nod before turning to his cousin and saying "Sure!" giving them his signature heart shaped smile.

"It'll be interesting to be surrounded by Japanese again. I don't think I'll be able to follow much conversation." Victor said to Yuuri.

"You'll do fine Vitya. You've been practicing a lot, especially since planning this trip." Yuuri reassured him.

"We're home!" Alexandra called when they entered the house, taking off their shoes.

"Lev! Don't run in the house!" They heard from another room.

"Sorry!" A very tall boy came into view. Hair the same silver as Victor's.

"You must be Lev." Victor said in choppy Japanese.

"Yes!" Lev said, too loudly.

"Lev, quieter. We are inside and you are startling our guests." Kaito scolded.

"Sorry." Lev said in a more appropriate volume.

"Lev, this is my cousin Victor and his fiancé, Yuuri." Alexandra said.

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