Chapter Ten - One Turns Into a Cat (Kuroken)

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Bedhead McGee: Bro remember when Akaashi turned into a baby???

Owl Boy: Ya... cuz the old lady?? Y???

Bedhead McGee: WELL..... sumthing happened to Kenma...

Owl Boy: Wat???

Bedhead McGee: He... turned... into... a... cat...

Owl Boy: Didn't you learn a lesson from Komi and Inuoka???

Bedhead McGee: Man u kno he cant pass up apple pie..

Owl Boy: Tru.. wat u gonna do??

Bedhead McGee: Don't kno yet.. gonna take him to my house 4 now and tell his parents hes spending the nite..

Owl Boy: The 1 with karasunos setter was only 12 hrs.. Keiji was 24 hrs.. let me kno how it goes..

Kuroo put his phone back in his pocket and sighed. "What am I going to do with you, Kenma?" Kuroo asked, picking up the cat that used to be his boyfriend. All he got was a meow in response.

"You heading home, Kuroo-san?" Yaku asked, walking up to him.

"Yeah. Gotta hide Kenma in my room. My parents will be pissed if they find out I brought home another cat and they definitely won't believe me if I tell them it's Kenma." Kuroo said, petting Kenma on the head while he talked.

"This is what you get for taking food from strangers. What did Bokuto-san say?" Yaku asked.

"The thing with Karasuno's Kageyama was 12 hours and the thing with Akaashi was 24 hours. Hopefully this isn't nearly as long as Akaashi's." Kuroo said.

"True. We have school tomorrow. Are you going to cancel morning practice just to be safe?" Yaku asked.

"I can ask the coaches but I doubt they'll want to with games coming up so soon. I could stay home sick tomorrow if I need to." Kuroo said.

The coaches told Kuroo they wouldn't cancel morning practice for no reason and Kuroo didn't want to explain what had happened to Kenma.

Kuroo took Cat-Kenma home and snuck him up into his room under his volleyball jacket. He put Kenma on his bed and went to call Kenma's parents to let them know that Kenma would be spending the night at his house. It's a common enough occurrence that they weren't concerned.

Kuroo went back into his room and sighed. "What am I going to do?" He sat down next to Kenma.

Kenma blinked at Kuroo slowly and nudged Kuroo's hand with his head. Kuroo absently petted him. "Hopefully you're back to normal before school tomorrow. The thing with Karasuno's setter when he turned tiny only lasted about 12 hours. So hopefully it's like that and not like when Akaashi was turned into a baby." He rambled. Cat-Kenma yawned and curled up against Kuroo's leg and fell asleep.

Kuroo sighed again and pulled out some books carefully to not wake Kenma so he could start studying for a test he had coming up. He worked for an hour or two before his mom called him down for dinner.

"Kenma, I have to go eat. I'll try to sneak some food up for you." Kuroo said, trying to move his leg away from the sleeping Kenma.

After eating dinner, Kuroo grabbed some snacks he thought Kenma might be able to eat as a cat. He went back into his room to find Kenma still asleep on his bed. "Kenma, wake up. You need to eat something." He set some cheese and peeled apples in front of Kenma, hoping to get him to wake up and eat. Cat-Kenma opened an eye, looked at Kuroo, and went back to sleep. "Fine. But you need to eat it before bedtime." Kuroo said, sitting down at his desk to study some more.

At about midnight, Kuroo finally changed into his pajamas and went to lay down. "I'm glad you ate." He said when he saw the food was gone. "Come cuddle." He added, laying down and making room next to him for Kenma. Cat-Kenma moved to lay down next to Kuroo and curled up against his chest. "Night, Kenma." Kuroo said, kissing the top of Kenma's head.

A few hours later, before they had to get up from a normal school day, Kuroo was woken up by a bright light next to him. After the light dimmed, Kuroo saw that Kenma was back to normal.

"Guess it was only 12 hours." Kenma said.

"Guess so." Kuroo said, hugging Kenma to him and burying his nose into Kenma's hair. "I'm glad you're back to normal. I missed you." Kuroo added quietly.

"I was here the whole time, Kuro. Why'd you miss me?" Kenma asked, voice muffled some from being pressed against Kuroo's chest.

"Wasn't the same." Kuroo said, face still buried in Kenma's hair.

Kenma sighed, "Go back to sleep, Kuro."

"'Kay." He kissed Kenma's hair and snuggled against him more comfortably for both of them.

The next morning when they both showed up for morning practice Yaku came over to them. "When'd you change back?" He asked Kenma.

"Middle of the night." Kuroo answered for him.

"Did you let Bokuto-san know? Since you did text him yesterday to tell him about it." Yaku asked.

"Not yet. I will." Kuroo said, pulling out his phone.

Bedhead McGee: 12 hrs

Owl Boy: hes back?

Bedhead McGee: yup. Mid of nite

Owl Boy: did u take any pics?

Bedhead McGee: maybe 1 or 2

Owl Boy: share??

Bedhead McGee: nope

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