Chapter Fifteen - Soulmate AU (Otayuri)

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Yuko Nishigori: Yurio, have you found your soulmate yet?

Little Yuri: Why is everyone obsessed with that??

Yuko Nishigori: Not everyone is. I just want you to be happy, you're my friend after all.

Little Yuri: I haven't. I'm too focused on my skating right now to worry about it. I'll be happy when I win gold and beat the little piggy.

Yuko Nishigori: Does anyone know what your mark says?

Little Yuri: Victor and Mila. They're too nosy.

Yuko Nishigori: That makes sense.

Yuri sighed, putting his phone away. Most of the people he knew had found their soulmates already. Yuko Nishigori from Hasetsu had apparently met hers when they were young kids, Victor had met the piggy at the banquet last year though Yuuri didn't act like it when he was in Japan with them. Mila had met Sara at one of their first competitions. Yuri didn't care about soulmates, as much as everyone else did. He cared about skating and winning.

Yuri had just gotten back to Russia from winning silver in Skate Canada, losing only to that jerk JJ. He knew he had to work hard to beat him next time. Mila, Yuri, and a couple other skater who train under Yakov watched the Cup of China together to see Japanese Yuuri try a quad flip at the end of his program and get a kiss on the ice from Victor, gross. The next two events were uneventful and Yuri barely paid attention to them, except to laugh at Georgi.

Then came the Rostelecom Cup. Yuri did his absolute best and got a new personal best, but still got silver behind JJ. Yuuri got fourth because Victor had gone back to Japan to see his dog, who'd been admitted to the vet, Yuri didn't really know. Who cares about dogs? Yuko had sent him a congratulations text for getting silver but thankfully hadn't mentioned soulmates again. Finally it was time for the Grand Prix Finals.

"Yuri! At least check yourself in." Yakov yelled.

"You do it, Yakov. I'm tired." Yuri replied. He just wanted to get to his room. He didn't want to have to interact with his crazy fans if he could help it, and he definitely didn't want to be here if JJ showed up.

Of course, he couldn't get away from his fans and agreed to the cat ears and a couple pictures after being yelled at by Lilia. And of course JJ and his fiancée had to insult his fans.

"Find someone better, ugly-ass bitch!" Yuri sneered to her.

"But we're soulmates." His fiancée said, showing him the words on her wrist, like it meant anything to anyone besides them.

"Otabek! Where are you going?" JJ asked another skater, distracting Yuri.

"Out to eat." Otabek responded. Yuri didn't know much about him, he got a medal last Grand Prix, and had done well this season. Yuri seemed drawn to the other and quickly took off the ridiculous cat ears his fans had put on him.

"Eating alone? You're still an odd one, huh? Want to join us for dinner?" JJ asked Otabek, getting up in his personal space.

"Thanks, but I'll pass." Otabek said before glancing at Yuri and starling him.

"Huh? What's with you, asshole?" Yuri said. Otabek didn't respond and turned back to the door of the hotel and left.

Yakov and Lilia took Yuri to the rink to practice and get used to the rink. Afterwards, Yuri decided to take a walk but was caught by his fans and was chased. He nearly lost them by turning a corner quickly and hiding in a doorway but he could hear them searching.

"Where's Yuratchka?" "We're about to have a fan meeting." "I can smell Yuratchka! It's coming from over here!" "Oh! This hair is Yuratchka's!"

While Yuri was still trying to figure a way out, a motorcycle came up next to him.

"Yuri, get on." Otabek said.

"Huh? You're..." Yuri started. It couldn't be, Yuri barely knew Otabek, how could he be his soulmate?

"There's Yuratchka!" One of the fans called.

"Huh? No way! It's Otabek Altin from Kazakhstan!" Called another when Otabek took off his sunglasses.

"Huh? What?" Yuri asked, confused and still a little in shock.

Otabek threw him a spare helmet, "Are you coming or not?"

Yuri got on, this was his soulmate, plus he really needed a way out of there. Otabek drove them around for a bit before taking them to the Park Güell municipal gardens. Where Otabek told Yuri that they'd actually trained together before, 5 years prior.

"Really? I don't remember that!" Yuri said.

"At the time, I was in my first year in the junior division. But I couldn't keep up with the Russian junior skaters, so I was put in the novice class. That's where I met you." Otabek told him. "Yuri Plisetsky had the unforgettable eyes of a soldier."

"A soldier? Me?" Most people thought of him as cute and a kitten. Very few people took him seriously when he introduced himself as the ice tiger of Russia. "I had just moved to my home rink from Moscow to St. Petersburg. I was desperate. I'd decided that I wouldn't complain until I was good enough."

"After that camp, I moved around to train, from Russia to the US and then to Canada. I only managed to return to my home rink in Almaty last year. Now, more than ever, I want to win the championship for Kazakhstan."

"Otabek, why did you talk to me? I'm a rival, aren't I?" Yuri was confused. If Otabek was his soulmate, wouldn't have he known first? Yuri said something to him back at the hotel before the practice.

"I've always thought we were alike. That's all." Otabek turned to finally faced him. "Are you going to become friends with me or not?"

They shook hands. No one had asked Yuri that before but, if Otabek was his soulmate, which he was starting to question, friends is a good place to start. "Do you want to go somewhere to eat?" Yuri asked.


Otabek drove them on his motorcycle to a small cafe to get something to eat and drink. "I'm not good at small talk." Yuri tried telling him when they had sat down.

"That's okay. Are you nervous about the skate tomorrow?" Otabek asked, steering the conversation towards something familiar and safe.

"Are you my soulmate or not?" Yuri asked, not able to contain the question any longer.

"Yes." Otabek responded.

"Why didn't you say something when you first knew?"

"JJ was there. So were his fiancée and your fans." Otabek shrugged. "Plus, you had just called me an asshole."

Yuri blushed at that realization. "You have that on your skin for your whole life." Otabek showed Yuri his arm where 'Huh? What's with you asshole?' was clear on his inner arm. Yuri started to laugh.

"My mother was not very thrilled about it." Otabek smiled.

"Sorry." Yuri said, looking sheepish.

"It's okay." Otabek laughed. "The kids all thought it was the best. Can you tell me more about yourself? I admittedly know very little."

Yuri and Otabek sat talking about each other's lives for a while. Yuri got very excited sharing stories about his cat and Otabek couldn't help but just look at him fondly. 

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