Chapter Eleven - Must Tell the Truth (Bokuaka)

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"Kou, do you have any extra food?" Akaashi said, heading towards practice with Bokuto.

"How much do you eat, Keiji?" Bokuto asked. "You ate your lunch and half of mine already today."

"I'm hungry, Kou. Do you have any extra food or not?" Akaashi asked.

"Nope. You ate it all. Ask someone else maybe?" Bokuto suggested.

"Not Komi." Akaashi said, getting ready for practice.

"Akaashi, it was one time!" Komi exclaimed, coming into the club room to get ready for practice.

"Ask someone else then, Keiji, but practice is about to start." Bokuto said, heading towards the gym.

"But Kou, I'm hungry!" Akaashi complained, following him into the gym.

"Keiji, you already ate my food. There's not much else I can do. Do you want me to ask someone if they have food?" Bokuto asked.

"Not Komi, but yes please." Akaashi said.

"Hey, hey, hey! Komi! You have food?" Bokuto called, getting himself a smack from Akaashi.

"As much as I know Akaashi wouldn't eat it anyways, no, I do not have any extra. Try Konoha." Komi said.

"Konoha?" Bokuto asked, turning towards him.

"I can check my bag, give me a second." Konoha said, setting his bag down to dig through. "I have some seaweed chips."

"Where'd you get them from?" Akaashi asked, noticing they weren't in a bag from the store.

"Hmmm... from a friend I think? Don't really remember. But if you'd rather wait until after practice to get food..." Konoha said.

"No, hand it over." Akaashi said.


"Thanks. Anything happens I'm blaming you though."

"Not surprised." Kohana shrugged, walking away.

Akaashi quickly ate the seaweed chips before going to start practice. After warm ups and stretching, they started practicing receives and serves. After close to 30 minutes of practice, Akaashi was sitting to the side of the gym with Bokuto, drinking their waters.

"You doing okay, Keiji?" Bokuto asked.

"Think so. Still kinda hungry but I'll be fine." Akaashi shrugged.

"Umm... Keiji... You're glowing. Like when you turned into a baby." Bokuto said, pointing at him as the others from the team gathered around them.

Once the glowing dimmed, Akaashi asked, "Do I look any different?"

"No." Bokuto said.

"Well I know you would never lie to me so it must be true."Akaashi said.

"That was a weird thing to say." Komi whispered to Konoha and Sarukui, who nodded in agreement.

"What do you think happened then?" Bokuto asked. "As far as I know, the only changes have been external. Unless this wasn't from Komi's old lady?"

"She's still not my old lady." Komi glared at Bokuto.

"Komi-san, you shouldn't glare at Kou. You both care about the other a lot as friends." Akaashi said.

"What?" Komi looked at Akaashi, surprised.

"You okay, Keiji?" Bokuto asked.

"I feel fine. Just hungry. Those seaweed chips were not very filling." Akaashi said.

"Well something's up. You don't talk this much in groups usually." Konoha said, crossing his arms.

"Usually because Kou or someone else is talking constantly. Besides, I try to hold back when I want to say something mean." Akaashi said.

"He seems fine, so maybe we should get back to practice?" Sarukui asked Bokuto.

"Sure. As long as you're okay with it, Keiji." Bokuto said.

"Of course."

"We should do spiking practice." Bokuto said.

"Not surprising that Bokuto wants to do spiking practice." Komi said.

"Does he ever want to do anything else?" Konoha added.

"Yes." Akaashi said, surprised.

"What else do you two do once we leave?" Sarukui asked.

"We'll sit and talk or walk to one of our houses and do homework or play video games."Akaashi said.

"Bokuto does homework?" Konoha asked.

"On a regular basis." Akaashi said.

"Do you help him with it?" Sarukui asked.

"Not usually. He's actually quite smart." Akaashi said.

Sarukui, Konoha, and Komi turned to stare at Bokuto. "Why are you in class 1 then?" Komi asked.

"Tests are hard." Bokuto shrugged.

"They don't give him enough time to work out the problems properly." Akaashi added.

"Are you sure nothing happened to Akaashi after eating those chips? He's acting different." Komi said.

"Can we just go back to practice?" Bokuto asked.

"I would like that." Akaashi nodded.

After each of Bokuto's spikes he'd look energetically at Akaashi, who in turn would give him much more praise than he usually did. Konoha, Komi, Sarukui, and even Washio were convinced something had changed with Akaashi after eating the seaweed chips.

"We have to figure out what happened to him." Konoha said.

"Well, he's being more talkative." Komi said.

"And praising Bokuto more when he asks how his spikes are." Sarukui added.

"What are you guys talking about?" Bokuto asked, coming up to the group.

"Something is up with Akaashi and we're trying to figure it out." Konoha explained.

"Why do you think something is up?" Bokuto asked, crossing his arms.

"You haven't noticed him acting different today? Not even earlier when he told us what you guys do instead of spiking practice sometimes?" Konoha asked.

"Not really." Bokuto shrugged.

Suddenly the room was filled with a bright light around Akaashi. When it dimmed everyone gathered around him. "You okay?" Bokuto asked.

"I'm fine." Akaashi said.

"Guess we'll never figure it out." Sarukui shrugged.

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