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He was riding through the woods. Sansa got a letter, that said that Arya escpaped. She send him to save her from the hunters. He was almost in Kingslanding when he heard a scream. He looked around him. He saw a hut coming up. He recognized it. It was his brothers. He smiled. 'Lookes like we meet again, brother..' He whispered.

He stalled his horse, named Abroxos, next to the hut. He heard screaming voices. 'No, let go off me! I didn't do anything..' Jason took his sword, named Brightroar, an Valyrian steel sword he found on a trip to Essos. He opened the door. There were 7 people inside, he counted. Arya was in the middle of them. His brother had a knife to his throat and was on his knees. There were 4 unsullied. Grey Worm was with them. And Rodrick, his brothers squire. He felt a sword in his neck. 'Well well well, Jason Deadwonn... Its a pleasure to finally meet you.'

The man pushed him inside. Arya looked at him. 'Is not getting cought so difficult for you?' Jason smiled. 'Says you. I have to say, that these losers are not the usual people you go with. Where is your boyfriend? Or that Arryn guy? You know, the one that helped you escape.' Grey Worm looked up. 'Oh, you didn't know? Well, Arryn planned to let her escape, so you would go after her and he could crown the new king.' Grey Worm took a knife and held it to Aryas face. 'Who is the new king?' He was getting annoyed. Good. 'No one knows. In exact 30 minutes he will come out of the red keep. Of what is left of it. If you leave now, you can stop it.' He hesitated. That is not so good. 'You two, stay here. You, come with me. We are gonna stop this.' Jason sighted. Now that he is gone, he could escape. He left the room and the man that cought him left too. Now there were 3 of them left. He looked at Arya. Arya looked back. He looked at his sword, at the knife, at Rodricks hands. He shook his head twice. He looked back at Arya. He knodded. Arya nodded back. He winked 4 times. 1. 2. 3. 4. Arya jumped up and picked up the knife. She cut through the rope that binded Rodricks and Deadwonns hands. They picked up a sword too. Jason took his own sword and killed one unsullied. The other two had a spear pointed at Arya. She smiled at them. 'You can just walk out now, you know.. I don't want to kill you.' The first unsullied was the dumbest. He attacked anyways and Arya threw her knife into him, and pulled it out right after. 'Whats your choice?' Before he could react, Jason put his sword through his heart. 'So. That was that.'

'Brother, are you telling me you wanted to use Arya as your bodyguard or something? How could you have been so stupid?!' He was cleaning the wound Grey Worm made with his knife. It was deep. 'Damn it, that fool almost cut of half your face. We have to kill him. He'll kill Robin if we don't. We can do two things here. We either go to Kingslanding and save Arryn, or we leave now and bring you to savety in Winterfell. Its your choice, Arya...' Arya was in pain. She could see it. She had a big bruise at her forehead and chin, and Grey Worm made a wound in her cheeck. 'We have to save Robin. I have a plan. We have to pretend like i'm your prisoner. You just tell them that i tried to kill you all, but only succeed with the soldiers. After that you fought me, and i lost.' Jason looked at her. 'You realize that if you lose, that i will have to hurt you?' Arya looked away. 'Well, i'm already hurt, arent i? I think if you just make a small cut in my leg and arm they'll believe it. Once we are in Kingslanding, you kill Grey Worm and the new king will be crowned.' Jason looked difficult. 'Well, there is a little problem. The new king is already there.' Arya jumped up. 'Who is it? Tell me, Jason!' Jason smiled. 'Your boyfriend. Gendry Baratheon.'

They were standing on the kingsroad. 'We have to make the cuts now' Arya said. Jason didn't want to do it. 'Come on, Jason. We have to.' He took out his sword. 'We don't have to do this, okay?' Arya came closer. 'Yes we do. Its not like you are killing me, Jason. Come on.' He putted his sword to her leg. When we pushed, she screamed. There was blood coming out of the wound. 'Are you okay?' She fell on the ground. She passed out. 'Well, i guess that is a no.' His brother came out. We have to go, now. Tie her and lay her over the horse. When we arrive, she has to be walking behind it, okay? She has to look like a prisoner, not a lady that passed out on the way there.' Jason lifted her on the horse and they left for Kingslanding.


Hey peoplesss. Would you mind to leave some plottwists in the comments? I have a beginning and an end  but i don't know how to get there, so please help me out. 

Bye Byee

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