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Arya was on her way back to Kingslanding, with a plan to kill everyone inside. Was it a wise plan? No. Did she really care? No. Should she kill Jason, Sansas fiancé? No... It wasn't wise but she had to keep her word. Otherwise people would see her as weak. And she wasn't weak. At least, she kept telling herself that. Sansa had been in shock because of what she said. She couldn't speak, couldn't move. Arya was having doubts, and she didn't like it. 'Hello? You there! Can you please help me?!' There was a girl standing at the side of the road. There was a crashed carthage next to her. 'My father's still in there, please, i need help!' Arya stopped and looked carefully for traps. When she didn't see any, she stepped off her horse en ran to the side of the road. She lifted the chart while the girl dove under it, and pulled out an older man. 'Thank you, I owe you my life.' The man started. 'Can I offer you a ride?' She smiled at the man. 'No thank you. I'll be fine.' Something cold touched her neck. A blade? 'If you're wise, you get into that chart.' She turned around, and looked  at the person behind her. 'If you're wise, you'll just put down the blade.' He grinned. 'Get in the chart.' She shakes her head. Whatever you want, old man.' She ducked and ran into him. He fell down and Arya grabbed his sword. She put it on his neck. 'Any last words?' He looked at the blade on his face an empty smile appeared. 'You'll never be happy.' She chuckled. 'At least I'll live..' She pushed the sharp blade into his soft skin and blood came out. The man fell down. Arya rubbed the blade over his clothes, to clean it. 'Lets go..' She mumbled to herself as she continued her murdertrip.

A few hours later Arya made a camp. It was getting dark and she hadn't slept in days. She put up some traps to keep some unwanted visitors out. The man that had come after her turned out to be a bounty hunter, who was after the bounty on her head. Not just a few golden crowns. If they would turn her in alive, they would receive 300 000 golden crowns. She would turn herself in for that, god damn it! As she was spinning some rope around a few trees, she heard a crackling noise. As a reflex she immediately reached for her blade, but she remembered leaving it in her tent. She sighed, and reached into her shirt to grab a small knife. Arya walked back to the camp with her knife ready for any attackers. 'Arya..' A familiar voice said. She turned around and threw the knife to where it came from. Not meaning to hit him, the knife landed in a tree. She saw Gendry, just standing there, frozen. 'If it isn't the traitor..' She said sarcastically before sitting down on a tree.

Why is she doing all this? Thought Gendry. This isn't her.. right? 'I needed to see you. Jon got a letter from Sansa, about how you threatened to kill everyone?' She chuckled. 'I wasn't kidding, if you're thinking so.. Sansa is very lucky I didn't throw that dagger into her eye.' She says while pointing at the dagger in the tree, that she just threw at him. 'Its time, Arya. Its time to let the past die. The war is over! We can just leave, together!' She scoffed. 'And have that Grey Worm and his army of worms after us for our entire lives? They don't think I'm dead anymore, you fool! Everybody abandoned me and they're going to pay for it.' She looked at him. 'Are you going to try and stop me?' He raised his hands. 'Not me, ma'am. I don't want to have any part in that crime.' She picked up a knife. 'You're with me..' She pointed the knife at him. 'Or you're against me.' He was starting to get desperate. Why is she like this? What went wrong? 'Don't deal in absolutes, Arya. Only bad people do that.' She scoffed. 'Who says I'm a good guy? As they say, I've killed hundreds of people, innocent and otherwise. And I've killed your queen. Shouldn't you be my enemy?' He shook his head. 'No, Arya. I love you. I know you love me as well!' She scoffed. 'You know nothing about me!' She cried out. 'You should have been there when I needed you, not just to prevent me from killing everyone!' Gendry put his hands in his hair. 'I can never do anything right with you! Why am I the only one that did something bad here? This is the reason we grew apart, because you can't criticize yourself!' Arya jumped up. 'So now it's all my fault? You weren't there, Gendry! We missed each other for almost 5 years, and then, when we finally reunite, you can't even look at me!' Tears ran over her face. 'That's because you're not the same! You're scarred, Arya! You need killing so badly, that you can't even see that you are going to kill everyone who loves you! I don't even know who you are anymore..' His voice broke down. Arya sat down and she shook her head. 'You have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea what they did to me.' She closed her eyes. 'I know exactly what I'm doing. You don't have to leave me. Come with me.' Gendry turned around. 'No. As long as you're like this, I can't be with you.' He left her there, crying.

She was asleep. Gendry had left her. She didn't need him. He's weak. Arya's not. She will take revenge, if it meant she had to kill everyone to get it, she would. She would even kill Gendry. For many years she had believed that they would meet again one day, and when they did, she felt disappointed. He was so distant. She remembered the look on his face when he had seen the scars on her stomach. That bitch in Braavos had given it to her, it was like yesterday. She could recall the pain, and the blood that had come out. The experience was part of her now. Everything she had been through was. Robb and mother's death. Her father's death. Braavos. The night king. It made her all shiver. If Gendry couldn't live with it, he would have to leave. It was too late to change her. She has been formed. The old Arya Stark was dead. Only the new one remained. 

Smol A/H
This was a bit longer, bit I shorted it out to create more parts. The start of this chapter was written like 5 months ago, then I wrote the middle piece of it right after I realised that a/h and now I finished it with a fight that came out of nowhere now that I reread it. Thanks to everyone still reading this story, I hope you still enjoy it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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