How it all ended

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When Daenerys walked out that door, she felt vulnerable. Afraid to get killed. Again. Jon killed her, and because of that she changed. She never feared death. But now.. she was afraid to see all those things again. 'Your grace?' Daario took her by the arm. 'I'll kill him myself. I promise you. He will pay for what he did.' As they neared Drogon, she felt her wounds scratching her cloak. The witch had said that they would heal after time, but they would become awful scars. She had looked into the mirror once. She looked.. different. She was pale and way skinnier than she used to be. 'I'll go ahead, you should go to the ships.' Daario looked at her. 'I'm coming with you, Dany. I'm not letting you out of my sight again.' Daenerys thought back to the moment she thought she could trust people. She thought she could trust Tyrion, Varys, Yara Greyjoy and Sansa Stark. And Jon. Jon. Only thinking about him hurt her feelings. A girl called Kathrine - called Kathrine the wise because people believed she could see the future - came at her. 'I saw your victory, your grace...' It was just a little girl. They were probably forcing her to say this. She was terrified. 'Thank you, Kathrine. I'll remember that.' She nodded and ran away. Poor girl. She stepped on her dragon and flew away. To her revenge.

Jon was standing right across Jason Deadwonn. He looked....sad? Why would he be sad? 'What have you done?' He opened his mouth, but before Jon heard what was coming out of it he knew. Arya. She was dead. 'Arya got captured by some warlords down at the harbour. I delivered her.' Jon hoped that he was only saying this because Daenerys' whole army was still here. That would be the best scenario for him. If he- NO! Don't think about it, Jon. Arya is tough.  She'll live. She always does... 'Jon? Jon can you hear me?' Jon looked Jason in the eye and wondered what was going on in his head. 'Yes. I can hear you. I'm happy that Arya got captured, now she can be brought to justice for what she did.' Jason nodded at him and went inside, with his brother by his side.  Jon looked at Grey Worm, who was standing next to him. 'You are going to get her, aren't you?' He asked him. Grey Worm seemed te smile, and simply said: 'Yes.' 

He was so dead. The look on Jon his face? Like ice. 'Don't worry, Jason. It'll all be fine.' Jason looked at his brother. 'Easy for you to say. He isn't gonna be your brother in law.' His brother smiled. 'In that case, you're fucked...' I know,brother . I know..

Its taking too long. Jason had send a letter that he had escaped with Arya, but they should have been here by now. 'My lady..' Someone was here. 'There is a stranger at the doors. She wants to see you.' Sansa sighted. 'Bring her in.' The guards came in with a girl in their arms, covered in blood. She almost didn't recognize her own sister. 'Leave, please.' She told the guards. Everyone left the room. 'What happened? Where is Jason? Arya? Answer me!' Arya took the cloak of her head. 'Did you betray me?' Her voice was cold as ice. 'No, i didn't.. Why would i?' Arya had a creepy smile on her face. 'Everyone else did.' Sansa felt weird inside. Everybody? 'Where is Jason, Arya? What did you do?' Arya looked her in the eye. 'He betrayed me. Just like Jon and Gendry. I don't know where he is, but i know where he'll be soon.' Sansa moved on her chair. 'What do you mean?' She was getting nervous. Arya whispered something. Names. Of the people i'm going to kill. That's what she once said to her. 'Yara Greyjoy.' Sansa's heart skipped a beat. 'Tyrion Lannister.' She had to stop... 'Grey Worm.' Stop, stop, just stop. 'Gendry Baratheon.' You can't, you love him. 'Jon Snow.' No, no no. Not Jon. 'Jason Deadwonn.' Sansa stopped breathing. She whispered it, looked at her and smiled. 'I hope you won't get on the list, sister. That would be such a shame.' With those words and a creepy laugh she left the room, on her way to kill everyone she loved.


I may or may not have forgotten how i named Jasons brother. And + the fanfic is almost ending, i was hoping we could reach 4k reads before i stopped writing. 

xx Robin.

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