The Truest Believer

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Dear Sansa. If you read this, i'm probably dead. I'm sorry if i failed you. All i ever tried was to please you and Jon, even when i was a child. But you never accepted me into your little world of richdom. You shut me out like i was just some girl you didn't knew. That is why i had to be someone else. Something else. As i once said to you, i was never gonna be as good a lady as you. And now i know that is true. I tried and i tried and i tried, but it never succeeded. You found your true love. My true love rejected me after i did the right thing. But he didn't saw it as a good thing. He saw me for the thing i truly was. A murderer, an assassin, stone cold like a beast. But was that the real me? Was that the person that i wanted to be all my life? You wanted to be a lady, but me... No, i had bigger plans than that. I wanted to be a knight, a dragon rider. When i killed my first man, no, not a man. A boy. His name was Lucas. He tried to stop me, but my sword had already reached his guts when he tried to reach me. He bled out on the floor of the stallions. It was a painful death. I enjoyed it. For a reason i can't explain, i liked taking away a boys life, i was happy after i took away a son from a mother, i was smiling while his blood dripped of my sword and i walked away. You could call me crazy, but i loved it. I still love it. It became less because of Jon and Gendry, their influence made me a better person, but now that they have turned against me, my lust for blood has gone wild and i need to kill things. I have to stop myself, i can't take this any longer, i have to STOP myself. I'm sorry for everything. And i'm sorry i pulled Jason into this with me. Goodbye, Sansa.

She exhaled. She got word of the fact that Arya died, but assumed that it was fake. But... this was a suicide note. And Jason, was he dead too? This is impossible, she thought. She would never kill herself. She was way too proud to do that. But she never told her the story about the boy. Just that she killed him, not more. She never saw her sister as a psychopath, but this... these are words of a psychopath. 'My lady..' Brienne came into the room. 'Jaime Lannister is here to see you.' Sansa wiped away her tears. 'Let him in.' Brienne nodded and left the room. Ser Jaime came in. 'My condolences, Lady Stark. I heard what happened.' She knew he meant it. He and Jason always seemed to get along with Jaime. 'Thank you, Ser Jaime. What are you doing here, if i may ask?' He smiled slowly. 'I need your help with something. I think i speak for everyone when i say this..' He looked at the door. 'Nobody wants Daenerys to come back to life. Her wrath will be... horrible. I've heard some rumors.. her dragon flew away to Meereen, and there is a red priesteres in service of Daenerys. I am.. well, we all are afraid that she might be resurrected like Jon, and that she might give some trouble. She might not know that Arya is dead, and come after her and kill thousands of people on her way.' Sansa knew he was right. 'What do you want me to do, Ser Jaime? I'm the lady of winterfell, its not like all the lords will listen to me.' Jaime smiled at her. 'No, they won't. But maybe they'll listen to your brother, Jon. He is most likely to become the new king.' He was right. They would listen to Jon. 'I'll think about it. Thank you, Ser Jaime...' He understood the signal to leave, and left the room after he said 'My Lady.' 

She cried for a while. Then she noticed a few more lines on Arya's letter.
I need you to believe, big sister. Believe me if i say this was the best. Believe it, promise me. Promise you won't forget this. I love you.
She smiled and whispered : I believe.

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