Jon II

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He heard the bells ringing. They caught her. He knew that this moment would come. He had feared it would be so fast. He was appointed as a temporary ruler until a new king or queen was chosen. From his tower he saw Gendry approaching Arya and taking her to his room. He wondered what they were going to do. He walked toward Gendry's room and stopped at the door. He heard soft talk. From Gendry, Arya and .. someone else. That voice seems familiar to him. It was Jason Deadwonn, Sansa's fiancé. He had a history with Arya. Robb had sent him to find Arya, but when he found her, Arya stabbed him and was captured by Ramsay Bolton. When they took him out of the basement after beating Ramsay Bolton, he was a completely different person. Cold, cool and unpredictable. He was taken out of his tranche by shouting inside.
'I can't trust you anymore, Arya! Not after what you've done ... ' Arya said something, but he couldn't hear what it was. He heard footsteps.
'You can't do this, Arya! Jon would break. First you kill her and then yourself? That is impossible.' She kills who? Oh my god, she is gonna kill her way out of here. But who is gonna be a victim this time? Him? Sansa? Greyjoy? She can't walk free anymore. She had to be stopped. He knocked on the door, and Jason opened.
'Jon.' That was all he said. 'Come on in, come on...' Jon stepped in. 
'Jon.' Arya looked up to him. Suprised. Sad. Angry. 'What are you doing here? I thought you hated me...' Did he? Did he hate his little sister, that he always loved and missed the most? He couldn't decide. 'Who are you gonna kill this time, Arya? Is Sansa the victim? Or am i?' Arya shook her head. 'I would never kill my family. I love you guys. Only you a bit less now' She didn't say the last part out loud, but he know it was true. She didn't love him the way she used too. And the reason was clear. He tried to kill her.

'Answer my question, Arya! I heard you talking about killing someone. I will stop you, don't get me wrong. You are not leaving this room unless you tell me what is going on right now.' Arya smiled. 'You think you can control me, right? You are wrong. You were the king in the north, but you bend the knee. Now Sansa is lady of Winterfell, in your absence. I don't obey you anymore. You are as much a traitor as everyone the fought for Daenerys.' She was starting to get angry. That is never a good sign with Arya. If she gets angry, she kills people. And only one person in the room is having problems with her now, is himself. 'I have the power to stop you. I'm your brother, your OLDER brother and you will do as i say, so now you will tell me what you are planning to do and then i'll decide either way i'm gonna let you go, or i'm gonna bring you to Grey Worm.' Her smile disappeared. 'I don't think so, cousin.' She layed some attention to those words. Now longer then a week ago she told him that he was her brother. Not her bastard brother, her brother. Arya looked at Jason and moved her head a little, so that Jon could not see her face. Jason took out his sword.

Jon layed his hand on his sword. 'Do you really want to do this, Jason? You'll lose, you know it.' Jason seemed to find that quite funny. 'I'm not afraid of you, Aegon. Those words hit him hard. Jon told Arya in confidence. She just told Jason. He looked at the ground, and wanted to say something, but before he could, Jason hit him on his head and he fell down.

When he woke up, Arya , Gendry and Jason were gone. He tried to get up, and noticed that his sword was gone. When he was standing he ran out the door and tried to find a guard. 'Guard? She escaped.' He was tired of the running, but kept going. He had to find his sister, and apologize to her. He needed her on his side, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep on living. 'They went that way!' A guard shouted. He went the way the guard has pointed to, and saw Jason getting into a carriage. He also saw Gendry getting out. He saw Jon and said something to the carriage. It drove away, and he ran after it. Gendry stopped him. 'Jon, please don't. She's dangerous. You to stay away from her, otherwise she might really become a problem.' Jon pushed Gendry out of the way. 'Where are they going?' Gendry didn't seem in the mood to answer. 'Tell me, Gendry, or i will pay a visit to Grey Worm to discus your betrayal.' That seemed to change his mood. 'They are heading for Winterfell, to Sansa. She hopes to...' His sentence got interrupted by an explosion. The carriage that Arya and Jason were in, was destroyed. 'No no no no no..' Jon stammered. He ran to the thing that was once a carriage. He saw that nothing was left. 'Arya... no no no no' Arya is dead, and its his fault. He lost two loved ones in a week. He cried. He wailed. He screamed. 'Arya.' 

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