Manhattan Part 1

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I'm so sorry this took so long, but I hope everyone enjoys this small segment. I will publish part 2 soon.

Percy and I had been camped out at a café on the opposite to the Empire State Building. The day had started off sunny and bright but a  cloud bank set in the sky had darkened and a slight fog had rolled in. I thought it was fitting, not to mention heplful. Percy and Jason would be able to wield their powers better in their elements.

Percy leaned over his half eaten muffin and tapped the back of my new laptop.

"Any update on their whereabouts?"

I opened up the window on the left corner. A map of the United States was shown. We had the known locations and updates.

"Hazel and Frank just arrived with troops from CJ. Chiron is coming with as many campers as possible. Lou left her brother, Callen, in charge. They should be here soon. Will and Nico should be here any minute. They stopped at CHB to grab more equipment. Same with everyone who is acounted for."

Percy's phone tinged.

"Leo and Calypso have entered New York. They will meet us in ten minutes. Thank the Gods they are ok."

I nodded. Ever since Leo had come back everyone had been more protective of him. Most of us blamed outselves for his sacrifice. "He'll be fine. He's Leo. Plus, he has Calypso."

"Yeah." Percy glanced up to the shimmering mirage of Olympus thousands of feet above us he stayed that way for a minute before looking over at me. "How many more," he questioned.

I reached for my now cold tea. "How many what?"

"How many more battles, wars, deaths? This will be the second batttle of Manhattan. So many died here and in the last war. How many more?"

I reached over and grabbed his arm. "I don't know. I do know, however, that we will always fight for what's right. As will any of our friends and family. We know the risks. Let's just take this one day at a time."

He grabbed my hand, which was still on his arm, and held it. "Ok."

His phone tinged once again. "Will and Nico will be arriving in about thirty seconds," he said looking over at the buildings across the street. Sure enough, out of the shadows walked Will and Nico holding hand. They continued to walk when Will spotted us and showed Nico. Soon enough, they were next to us.

"Hey Percy, Annabeth. Where is everyone else?"

I looked at Will as I turned my laptop, "they are still on their way. Leo and Calypso will be here soon. They just entered New York."

"Great," Will bent down to set a large duffle on the floor, "where do you want me to start setting up?"

"You can set up when your siblings arrive. Chiron is bringing everyone from camp and Reyna and Frank are bringing backup from CJ."

The works had barely left my mouth when the strawberry vans pulled around the corner. The doors opened as High Hopes finished playing. Travis and Connor exited the first van with the remaining heads of cabins.

Clarisse walked over with a scowl. Chris followed her with a questioning look, "what's going on, Percy? We rallied the camps and allies but no one has any idea what's going on."

I put two dollars on the table as a tip as I stood up. Turning, I gestured to the chair, "You might want to sit down. It's a long story."

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