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We soon found the girl and she told us that her name was Natalia Korda.

"Hi Natalia my name is Claudia by you can call me Dee... who is this little guy?" I asked as I looked at her bear.

"This is Lottie... she was given to me by the man who found me." She said softly.

"Well She is just as adorable as you." I said as I sent her a smile.

She looked away and I held my hand out.

"Want to hold my hand so you don't get lost?"

She nodded her head and gently took my hand.

"You two go on and see what is down there. I'll wait here with Natalia." I said softly.

They went down and soon the took out all of the monsters and I helped Natalia down. I smiled as we made it out of the building. We walked down a street and I heard a helicopter and turned to see Gabriel driving it. It soon went out of control and I shielded Natalia's eyes. I felt a pair of arms cover my mouth and I went to scream but felt a needle in my neck.

"I'm sorry." A voice whispered.

I felt everything go dark and I passed out. When I open my eyes I saw I was tied to a chair. I looked around and saw I was in a lab.

"I had always imagined this day." A voice said.

I looked to the door and saw a blonde haired woman walk up to me. She moved her hand to my face and I moved my face away. She grabbed it and roughly forced me to look at her.

"The daughter of Albert Wesker.... you look just like him." She said softly.

"I don't know who the hell you are talking about woman." I growled out.

"My name is Alex Wesker. Your father was... my brother in a way." She said softly.

"I never met my father so how about you let both me and my friends go?"

"I can't do that. I need them..... for a test."

"Why do you need me?" I asked calmly.

"You are here because I wanted to meet you and to... get a sample of your blood... now that I have it... you are no use to me."

"So what you are going to kill me?"

"No... a friend of mine wants you.... and so they can have you." She said with a smile.

I heard the door open and turned my head to see a woman walk in. She had on a blue dress and a red scarf.

"She is all yours." She said with a smile.

"I'll kill you." I growled out.

"You can try, but you won't make it far."

"Thank you Alex." The woman said as she brought out a syringe.

"Please.... I have a family." I said softly.

She stuck the needle into my neck and I felt my eyes start to droop as everything went dark again. I felt my mind go in and out of consciousness as I was taken off the island.

"The daughter of Albert Wesker.... such a prize." The woman said as I was strapped to a table.

"Who.... are... you?"

"My name is Ada Wong."

I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I let out a gasp.

"You will soon learn what your father felt." She whispered.

I closed my eyes and felt myself lose consciousness again. As the days past I was experimented on and kept on strong drugs so I couldn't escape. It wasn't long before a man named Simmons came in and started to test my blood.

"She has traces of the C- Virus but she doesn't have the antibodies." Simmons said calmly.

"So what now?"

"We make her a goddess." He said with a smile.

I soon lost track of time and began to lose hope of ever leaving. I soon was given a room of my own and locked up inside with only a bed and bathroom. I had no mirror so I couldn't see what they had done to me.

"Rach.... I'll make it back to you." I whispered as I pulled my knees to my chest.

The door to my bedroom opened and I saw Ada walk in.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily.

"To talk. I want to know everything about your brother." She said with a smile.

"If you touch Jake I'll kill you!" I yelled as I slammed her against the wall.

"Jake... so that's his name.... I can't wait to meet him... and you loving boyfriend.... what was his name again?..... Piers, right?"

I gritted my teeth and moved to punch her but was thrown into the wall. I let out a gasp as I looked up and saw her servant watching me.

"Thank you Ustanak." She said as she walked out of the room.

"Ill kill you! If you touch them I'll kill you!" I yelled as I hit the door.

I heard her laugh and I felt tears stream down my face as I fell to the ground. I leaned against the door and let out a sigh as I closed my eyes.

"Please don't hurt them." I whispered.

The life of a Mercenary Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora