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"Claudia?" Piers asked softly.

"Oh right... isn't she the mother of your daughter?" Carla asked calmly.

"Don't talk about my daughter you bastard!" I snapped angrily.

She let out a chuckle and shook her head.

"How did you get out?"

"Ada Wong let me out."

"What?" The blonde asked confused.

"She isn't Ada Wong.... Meet Carla Radames.... Simmons pet."

She glared at me and I smiled softly.

"Did I strike a nerve?" I asked with a smirk.

She aimed her gun at me and I dodged. She took off and I quickly went after her. I slide down some stairs and slammed her against the wall.

"You don't have your pet here to stop me now." I growled out.

"I must say... red eyes look good on you." She said with a smirk.

I let out a growl and she kicked my legs from out from under me. I hit the ground and she pulled her gun out. I knocked her feet out from under her and pinned her to the ground. She kicked me in the stomach and I fell backwards. She took off running and I ran after her. I watched her get into a car and I let out a sigh as I saw her drive away. I saw a helicopter come down towards me and I looked up to see Rico.

"Claudia! It's me!"

"Why aren't you at John's?" I asked angrily.

"Jake and Sherry got caught by Simmons. They where taken to a facility."

"I hope Chris and Piers can stop her. Let's go." I said as I climbed into the helicopter.

"Do you know the facility?" I asked softly.

"Yea it's a underwater one." He said calmly.

"Let's go." I said as I leaned back against the seat.

I let out a sigh as we flew towards the facility and he let me off.

"Want me to go with you?" He asked calmly.

"No, just keep the radio on. I'll call when I need a lift." I said as I jumped onto the ground.

I let out a sigh as I pulled my handgun out and walked through the facility. I snuck past a few people and made it to a big room. I heard walking and I quickly hid.

"Chris!" Sherry exclaimed in shock.

"Glad to see you're okay." Chris said softly.

"Wait, was that you who just freed us?" Sherry asked softly.

"Looks like you guys saved the day again, huh?" Jake said calmly.

"I can see your father in you." Chris asked calmly.

"How did you know where--"

"Wait, hold on a second........ So you knew him?" Jake asked cutting Sherry off.

"Yeah, I did. And I'm the one that killed him."

"Shut up Chris." I whispered.

"It was you?"

"That's right."

Jake pulled his gun out and aimed it at Chris.

"Chris!" Piers yelled.

"You better put a leash on that puppy." Jake said angrily.

"This is between me and him..... Go ahead, shoot. You have every right to. Just promise me you'll survive. The world depends on it."

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?"

"Stop it!" I ordered as I stepped out and walked up to them.

"Stay out of this Claudia." Jake growled out.

"No.... look at me... Jake look at me!" I snapped angrily.

"Tell me, were you just following orders, or was it personal?" Jake asked angrily.

"Both." Chris said softly.

"Jake, please, stop!" Sherry begged.

"Before I put a bullet in your head!" Piers ordered.

"Just put your gun down!"

"Drop your weapon!"

"Don't do this!"

"He knew about us!" I yelled.

Jake looked at me shocked and I let out a sigh.

"He knew about us.... I met him.... 2008.... he came to the house."

"What?" He asked shocked.

"He came to find mom.... said he needed her help taking out Chris..... I told him she was dead... and then he explained how he knew her..... when I told him my name and age... he said he already knew about me... and you." I said softly.

"Did he know that mom was sick?"

"He wasn't surprised when I said she was dead."

"2008.... you left that year." He said softly.

"He hired me to kill Chris.... and when I didn't do it.... he had me experimented on." I said softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause I didn't want you to know about him.... I didn't want you to think that because he was our father.... that you were a monster..... you aren't a monster." I said softly.

"How long?"

"Until March 7th...... after I got out... Chris' sister helped me get into college..... where I met the father of my child."

"You have a kid?" Sherry asked softly.

"Rachel.... she is five." I said with a small smile.

"How old was she when you went missing?"

"Three...... I missed two years of her life.... and I'm going to miss more."

"What do you mean?" Chris asked softly.

"They did something to me..... I... I loss control.... can't stop myself from hurting people." I said softly.


"What all did he do to you?" Jake asked softly.

"It isn't important.... all that you need to know is that if Chris hadn't saved me.... I would be dead... and I would never have got to have my little girl." I said as I tried not to cry.

"There has to be a cure..... my blood could make a cure for her right?" He asked as he looked at Sherry.

"I don't know... it could." She said softly.

"We are going to make you better... and then you and I are going to get you home so I can meet my niece and tell her embarrassing stories about you." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Fuck you." I whispered as I hugged him.

"So... What's your guys name?" Jake asked as he pulled away.

"..... promise you won't freak out."

"Why would I freak out?"

"It's the guy with Chris."

Jake looked at Piers and then at me.

"Oh..... you know he threatened to shoot me."

"You had a gun at his Captains head... what do you expect."

"Did he know about your... past?"

"Yes.... I've always known." Piers said softly.

The life of a Mercenary Where stories live. Discover now