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"How long has he known?" Jake asked softly.

"Since we started dating.... didn't changed his opinion of me." I said softly.

"And it never will... and neither will this. When I said nothing could stop me from loving you.... I meant it." Piers said as he sent me a smile.

"Moron." I said with a laugh.

"What does that make you? I mean you live with me and had my kid." He said with a laugh.

"Our kid, mine and yours.... how is she?" I asked softly.

"Misses you like crazy.... we both do." He said softly.

"Then I guess I better hurry and get home." I said with a smile.

"We both better." He said with a laugh.

We soon started to leave and I let out a sigh as I got on the platform with Piers and Chris.

"When we make it out of here, you are quieting TerraSave." Piers said calmly.

"You gonna quiet the BSAA?"

He sent me a look and I let out a laugh.

"Didn't think so." I said as we made it to the top.

We made it to the top and the think hatched.

"Look out!" Chris yelled.


"Get moving!" Chris yelled quickly.

"We got it from here!" Piers yelled as he sent me a smile.

We soon made it to a room and Piers was slammed into a spike that hit his shoulder.

"Piers!" I yelled as I ran to his side.

I got hit by a tentacle and was pushed away. When I was finally able to stand I saw Piers had taken the virus and had electricity coursing through him.

"Piers! Come on, just stay with me! You're gonna be okay!" Chris yelled as he helped him stand.

I rushed up to him and forced Piers to put his arm around me.

"I'm sorry, Captain. I did it for the BSAA. For the future..."

"I know. You did a real good thing."

"As long as you-"

"I don't wanna hear it! We're all going to get out of here, all right? Let's go!"

We ran towards the pods and Piers let out a sigh.

"I love you." He whispered as I helped him walk.

"I love you too." I said as I tried to hold back tears.

We made it to the pods and I got inside before them so I could help Piers in. I turned to help him but Chris was pushed in and I hit the ground. I let out a yelp as I hit my head. Chris quickly stood u pans started to bang on the glass.

"Piers! No, don't do this! Open the door! Goddamnit, listen to me! We can still both get out of here! There's still time! What are you doing? No, Piers, don't! You can still make it out! Goddamnit, Piers! No! Piers, open the goddamn door! That's an order! No..."

"Piers!" I yelled as he sent me a small smile.

"I love you." He said as tears streamed down my face.

Before I knew what was happening he hit the button and the pod went out. I hit the ground and covered my mouth as tears threatened to spill.

"Piers!" Chris yelled as he disappeared from sight.

It wasn't long before we made it to the surface and the pod opened. I leaned against the side and Chris handed something to me.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

I looked down and the thing in my hand to see Piers badge. I felt a sob leave my lips as he pulled me into a hug. It wasn't long before Rico found us and we were taken to a base to get checked out.

"They sent a team to check the ocean floor." Chris said softly.

"Have you told his family?" I asked softly.

"I told them you where here.... and that Piers is missing.... I won't believe he is dead until I find the body."

"Thank you..... for everything." I said softly.

He sent me a smile and walked out of the room. It wasn't long before doctors started to test the virus in me. Pier's parents soon came to visit me and showed me pictures of Rachel.

"She has gotten so big." I said softly.

"We haven't told her about you yet." She said softly.

"Good.... I don't know how long it will be before I get to go home." I said softly.

"We haven't told her about Pier's either."

"Good.... I want to be the one..... I need to be the one." I said softly.

They soon left leaving me alone. A week later I heard a knock on my door and it opened to reveal Chris.

"Come with me." He said softly.

I frowned as I stood up and followed him through the base. He sent me a smile as he held open a door. I walked inside and felt tears stream down my face as I saw Piers laying on a bed.

"How?" I asked as I turned to look at Chris.

"He washes up on a beach..... they gave him the vaccine and it stopped the virus.... but... his arm was to far gone."

"I don't care about his arm..... I just care that he is alive." I said as I set on the bed.

"He has been unconscious since yesterday.... doctors said he should wake up soon.... I thought maybe he should wake up to your face." He said as he turned and left the room.

The life of a Mercenary Where stories live. Discover now