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I let out a sigh as I set in the chair beside Pier's bed and held his good arm. It had been two days since they found him and he still hadn't woke up. I laid my head on the bed and let out a sigh.

"Piers.... if you wake up right now.... I swear I'll marry you... hell I'd marry you tomorrow." I said as I traced a pattern on his hand.

"Guess I have to buy a tux." A voice said.

My head shot up and I looked down to see Piers smiling at me.

"You bastard.... how long have you been awake?" I asked angrily.

"What time is it?" He asked as he sent me a smile.

"4 p.m." I said as I looked at the clock.

"Since 1." He said with a laugh.

"I have been worried about you! I thought I lost you!" I snapped as I smacked his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..... I just didn't want to wake you." He said as he moved his hand to my face.

"I thought I lost you...." I whispered.

He sent me a small smile and I leaned down and pressed my lips to his in a gentle kiss. I pecked his lips over and over again and he let out a chuckle.

"You trying to make another kid?" He asked softly.

"Maybe.... I mean we need to carry on the Nivan's blood line somehow." I said with a smile.

He pulled me into a deeper kiss and I let out a laugh. It wasn't long before we where allowed to return home and I felt my heart stop as I stood at the door with him beside me.

"I'll go in first." He said as he patted my shoulder.

He opened the door and his mother rushed up and hugged him. I smiled as she pulled away and I walked inside. I stopped at the door way and felt tears stream down my face as I spotted Rachel.

"I didn't mean it!" She yelled as she ran up and tackled me into a hug.

I held her tightly as tears streamed down both of our faces.

"I love you! I didn't mean it! I don't hate you!"

"I know gummybear.... I know." I whispered as I held her tightly.

It wasn't long before we drove home and I put Rachel to bed. I smiled as I shut the door and walked towards my bedroom to see Pier's touching his face.

"It's just a scar." I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"A scar that makes me ugly."

"You will never be ugly.... never." I said as I kissed his shoulder.

"Did you mean that about getting married?"

"Yes..... I want to marry you.... cause I can't stand just being your girlfriend.... I want to be your wife."

He sent me a smile and turned around and kissed me.

"And what about another kid?"

"We can have as many as you want..... just don't leave me." I said as I pulled him into a deeper kiss.


"Christopher! Finny! Be nice to your baby sister! You to Rachel!" I yelled as I watched them.

"Honey they are just playing." Piers said with a laugh.

"I don't care. They need to be more careful. They are bigger then her." I said as I set beside him.

"Uncle Jake!" Rachel yelled as she ran towards the house.

I smiled as I saw Jake walk up to us with Rachel in his arms and Sherry beside him.

"Hey Asshole." I said as I pulled him into a hug.

"Missed you to." He said as he let out a laugh.

"So when are you do?" I asked as I sent Sherry a smile.

"March. We can't wait."

"The first one is always the hardest to take care of..... you worry like crazy.... gets easier after awhile." I said as Finny ran up and jumped on my back.

"I can tell." Jake said as Christopher ran up and jumped on his father's lap.

"Congrats on baby four.... what's her name again?" Jake asked softly.

"This is Lana Ada Nivans.... named after Ada Wong, the woman who saved me and Helena.... Leon's friend." I said as I held onto Finny.

"She is a cutie." He said as he sent her a smile.

"Hopefully She isn't a savage like the other three." I said with a laugh.

"Hey!" Christopher whined as I let out a laugh.

"I still love you." I said as I ruffled his hair.

"So you guys staying for dinner?" Piers asked as he picked Lana up.

"Yes.... Sherry doesn't know how to cook."

Sherry smacked Jake's shoulder and I let out a laugh as I shook my head.

"Don't worry..... I'll teach you." I said as I led her inside.

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