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"I have a bathroom down the hall... you can take a bath and grab some clean clothes from the dresser." He said as he sent me a small smile.

"Thank you."

I let out a sigh as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I picked up a pair of black pants and a button up green blouse.

"This will have to do." I whispered as I turned the water on.

I grabbed a towel and placed it on a hanger before stripping and sinking into the water. I let out a sigh as I grabbed a bar of soup and started to wash off.

"Rico what are you doing here?" John asked calmly.

"I have to talk to Claudia." He said as he opened the door.

"What's up?" I asked as I washed off.

"I found Jake. We don't have much time. He escaped from the facility and is on the run. Get dressed." Rico said calmly.

"On it." I said as I climbed out of the tub.

He walked out and I grabbed the towel and dried off before getting dressed. I put my hair on a hairbow and stopped at the mirror.

"You look fine let's go!"

"I hate you." I said as I walked outside and climbed into the helicopter.

"Love you too." He said with a smile.

He took off and I let out a groan as I shook my head and looked out the window.

"Looks like they are down there.... looks like some Javo's are after them." He said calmly.

"Got any guns?"

"In back. Take your pick."

I climbed into the back and looked through the guns. I put a few in a bag and pulled out a sniper. I opened the door and leaned out and held the gun up.

"Keep us steady!" I yelled as I shot a Javo.

"I'm trying but I have people shooting at me!"

"Go somewhere safe! I'll get Jake and Sherry to John's!" I yelled as I put the gun in the bag.

"How will you get down?"

"How do you expect?" I asked with a smile.

"Don't jump out of my... plane." He said as I jumped out.

I landed on the roof of a building and pulled my gun back out and took a stance. I shot a few of them before I started my climb down the building.

"I'll be damned!" Jake yelled as he spotted me.

"Thought you could use some help!" I yelled as I stopped at the ladder.

"How about you kick that down so we can come up!" Jake yelled.

"How about you don't get your panties in a twist!" I yelled as I kicked the ladder down.

"Thanks for the hand sis." Jake said as I helped him up.

"I retire and you get bio terrorists after you." I said with a laugh.

"We need to hurry up the BSAA need our help." The girl said.

"Who are you?" I asked calmly.

"Sherry Birkin I'm with the-"

"Yea Yea, don't have to tell me your life's work. We need to go." I said as I turned and kicked down a door.

"When did you get so strong?" He asked calmly.

"It's a long story." I said calmly.

We made it up the building and to the top. I frowned as I saw a helicopter attacking a group of men. I pulled my sniper out and started to snipe some of the enemies. We soon took it down and I held my breath as I looked up and saw Chris Redfield.... and Piers.

"Come on, let's go. Our orders are to avoid contact with anyone." Sherry said softly.

"Does he know that Wesker was my father?" Jake asked calmly.

I looked at Jake in shock and saw a frown on his and Sherry's face.

"I don't think so. Why?" She asked softly.

"No reason. Maybe I just rubbed him the wrong way."

I watched him walk away and I looked at Sherry.

"He knows about Wesker." I whispered as he got far enough away.

She nodded her head and I let out a sigh.

"This is where I take my leave." I said calmly.

"You aren't coming with us?" Sherry asked softly.

"I have someone to find."

"Who?" Jake asked calmly.

"Her name is Carla... two years ago she took me from an island on was being held on.... kidnapped me."

"That isn't all is it?"

"The rest isn't important.... just know I'm going after her."

"And you are going to kill her." He said calmly.

I stopped and he shook his head.

"You kill her and you can't go back.... you know that right." He said softly.

"I already can't go back." I said as I started to walk away.

"We should meet with Simmons." Sherry said softly.

"I wouldn't go near him... he is the cause of all of this.... don't trust him." I said as I kept walking.

"How do you know?"

"Who do you think ordered her to kidnap me?" I asked as I walked away.

I made it to an abandoned building and let out a gasp as I got a painful headache and fell to the ground.

"Not now." I groaned out as I tried to keep my eyes open.

The headache finally disappeared and I shook my head and stood up. I let out a sigh as I started back through the building and made it to the roof. I saw Carla running through a building and I quickly rushed towards the building and ran inside. I climbed to the top of the stairs. I stopped at the top and saw four people surround her. I brought my gun out and aimed at her. I stopped when my eyes landed on Piers who had a gun pointed at her. I aimed the scope at her and saw a smirk on her face as her eyes met mine.

"Why don't you come play?" She said playfully.

"What did you say?" Chris asked angrily.

"I'm not talking to you.... I'm talking to Wesker's daughter." She said calmly.

"Wesker's daughter?" Chris asked shocked.

"Come out Claudia.... I know you are here."

I frowned as I kept the gun aimed at her and saw a look of shock cross Piers face as he put the gun down.

The life of a Mercenary Where stories live. Discover now