Chapter 12

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Lillia's PoV~

I don't remember much.

I remember the new guard. I remember him promising to talk to Mr. Valentino and I remember feeling the hope leave my body.

I even offered my virginity to him, which I thought would work.

But now, I was pretending to be asleep. I woke up a few minutes ago to see myself laying in a hospital bed with Mr. Valentino sleeping in the seat next to my bed while holding my hand.

I freaked out for a second but I had to calm myself down because my heart monitor got louder. Mr. Valentino stirred but after I calmed myself down, he stopped moving.

I wasn't sure what I could do in this situation.

The escape I managed to do last time isn't something I could do again.

Because one, Mr. Valentino is right next to me instead of down the hall in a completely different room. And two, I don't think I would be able to run as I did back then. Plus, the last thing I wanted to do right now was to run into another cop.

And I had nowhere to go. I highly doubt my mother would welcome me with open arms.

I could go back to New Orleans, where I moved from. I have a few distant friends that might help me. But that is if I can get out of here without Mr. Valentino looking for me.

He probably wouldn't even notice my disappearance, just like my time in that room.

Maybe if I offer Mr. Valentino my virginity, he'll let me go. But could I really live with myself knowing I had to use my body to get away?

I looked around the room for anything to see but the only sharp syringe that was on the tray table next to me.

The thought of filling the needle with air and injecting it into Mr. Valentino crossed my mind but that would kill him and I couldn't do that. But I could do it to myself.

I mean there isn't anything else I could do.

Without waking the man on my arm, I reached over and grabbed the needle. My arms were shaky and I was even surprised I was able to pick something up.

The pain wasn't so bad but I refused to look myself, not wanting to see the bruises.

The moment I realized what I was about to do, my heart monitor started to beat louder. I seemed to be echoing around the room.

I felt movement on my hand but I was too afraid to look over.

I refused to look over because I knew the moment I connected eyes with Mr. Valentino, I would panic. But it seems too late as I heard the heart monitor started to beat even quicker.

"Lillia?" His voice wasn't something I missed; it reminded me of all the lies he told me.

His hand gripped my other hand, shaking it gently.

I wasn't ready to do this. I haven't even had my first kiss.

I wanted to fall in love, get married, get a degree, have tons of kids, and die from old age. But maybe I never deserved it. Maybe my whole life purpose was to get Anderson caught. Or to serve as Mr. Valentino interest for a few months.

Tears poured from my eyes as I deeply inhaled.

I pulled the needle down and let air enter the tube.

I exhaled and moved the needle to my skin. My thumb was on the top, I pushed the-

Then it threw across the room.

"That's going to kill you! What were you thinking? Lillia!"

Mr. Valentino cradled my face in his hands and forced my eyes to meet his.

I flinched.

His grey eyes were more intense than I remember. And scarier.

"Reginetta, why are you crying? Are you in pain?" He asked me frantically.

Without waiting for my answer, he reached over and pushed a button that was on the wall. Within a few seconds, a doctor entered the room with a clipboard.

Mr. Valentino was still hovering over me with a look of concern. But it wasn't real. He was waiting for me to let my guard down and then he will put me back in that room.

The needle was across the room, on the floor and broken. That was my last chance and I was too slow.

"She's in pain; get her painkillers."

This man hasn't ruined my life, that title has been given to my mother. But he has destroyed my life from ever being normal. Or being anything joyful for me.

My heartbeat got quicker.

I didn't want to be a defenseless little girl that didn't fight when she could have.

So when the doctor came over to my right side, I jammed my leg into his stomach. It hurt me more than it hurt him, but it was worth it.

He hissed and backed away.

Mr. Valentino backed away also with a confused expression.

I grabbed anything I could get my hands on and chucked it at Mr. Valentino.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the doctor get back up and head towards me.

He didn't get that close before I kicked the same spot.

Mr. Valentino gripped my shoulder but I ripped my body away from his. In the process, most of the tubes that were connected to my body came out, even the heart monitor came undone.

I released a blood-curdling scream, the first actual sound I've made in weeks. This scream was different than the screams I released in that room. Those were for someone's attention, for Mr. Valentino's attention. But this one was for me. It reassured myself that I was a fighter and that I fought before I was killed.

My body was in extreme pain and my vision was blurry. But I kept on fighting and I kept on screaming.

I don't know how long it went on for, but more doctor came and I ran out of things throw. Mr. Valentino got hit by many things, but he never left the room. He watched me scream and didn't do a thing about it.

They had to hold me down to inject me with something. I didn't know what it was, but after a few seconds, my vision got darker. My body got weaker.

But I had a smile.

I was happy I caused them pain just like they did to me. 


Thoughts? Predictions

I felt sorry for Lillia while writing this; it hurt my heart. Hopefully, you all don't hate Hudson. I'm sure he means well.

What do you think he's going to do to make it up to her?

Or do you think he's going to let her go?

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed!

Until I update again, 


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