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Quote of the Chapter 

"It reminds me that no embrace will ever feel the same again, because no one will ever be like her again, because she's gone. She's gone, and crying feels so useless, so stupid, but it's all I can do."

― Veronica Roth, Allegiant

So this is my first Harry Potter Crossover, I am very excited about it. I am going off the Harry Potter movies sorry, I might get some things wrong but hey I am only human! Enjoy the book! Like Always vote and comment! I love reading comments on my stuff helps me become better!

Disclaimer I do not own anything about the Heroes of Olympus or Harry Potter, they are strictly Rick Riordan's and J.K Rowlings Characters respectively. 


Black and white smoke chased each other around a dark room, red and green lights flashed out of these sticks the people held, the seemed to be fighting before a man with shaggy black hair was talking to a boy that looked a lot like him, pale emerald eyes that looked at the man with happiness before the man was hit with a ball of green light. The boy looked at the man in horror before screaming. "Sirius!" 

Percy woke up for the dream with a start, it was a surprise he fell asleep on the plane he was on to begin with. His nerves have been a wreck since he boarded the flight. 

He turned to talk to Annabeth about the dream she would know what it meant but he stopped himself as he saw an older lady sitting beside him. 

He sighed, his eyes pricked painfully as he fought back the tears. He could never talk to Annabeth in this life again after she was taken cruelly from him from Gaea, his great grandmother was pissed that he and his friends defeated her. With one last look of hate Gaea sent a spear made of the Earth to kill his love in front of him. 

With that memory still fresh in his mind he barely heard the stewardess go over the proper de-boarding steps. But he slowly made it off the plan, he had made it to London. His mother sent him here to live with his cousins the Dursley's, as he was miserable at the camp after the war, where he met the love of his life also where he watched her die. 

He was waiting with his luggage outside of the airport thanking every god he could think of that Zeus didn't blast him out of the sky. He didn't want to push his luck with his uncle more than he had already. 

"Hey you the American?" A voice with a heavy British accent, Percy turned and almost started laughing for beside him was a boy about a year or two younger than he was, dressed in a basketball jersey that had to be the size it was or it would have been to small as the kid was almost morbidly obese. 

Percy raised an eyebrow.  "Are you Dudley?" 

 The fat kid sneered. "Obviously, nobody would want to pick up you fat Americans here if we weren't family." 

Percy glanced down at himself, he knew his shirt was covering his six pack before looking at his cousins fat body thinking that the stereotypes might be wrong for once. 

Dudley noticed and scowled at him. "Come on, I have a date and need to get ready."

"Is it with a pizza?" Percy muttered but the kid heard and turned bright red, before walking away. Percy followed his cousin where he saw a man the size of whale standing out side with a petite woman who Percy knew was his aunt Petunia as she had the same eyes as his mother but they were far less warm and homey more of cold and distrusting. 

"Percy! It is so good to have you with us." Petunia cried as she hugged her nephew for the first time which Percy hesitantly returned. 

"Another mouth to feed." Grumbled the whale sized man. 

"Vernon!" Petunia whisper yelled. Percy knew she didn't really care about what Percy thought but of what Sally did if Percy talks to her. 

Percy got in the car and gazed out the window as London whipped by, he was used to big cities, he was from New York after all but his heart clenched painfully at old the old buildings and a couple castles that he saw as he knew Annabeth would be gushing about the architecture. 

He took a shuddering breath as the car was completely quiet, the whole drive till the pulled up to a lovely little neighborhood, the houses practically all the same. Percy just thought he walked into a 1940 commercial about neighborhoods and how they all have to be the same. 

They all got out of the car, Vernon walked through the door. 

"Harry, come grab your cousins bags, you insufferable little git." Vernon yelled. 

Percy clenched his jaw, the guy reminded him of smelly Gabe, not the best memories of Percy's childhood. But his jaw suddenly slackened as he saw the boy from his dreams standing at the door, shooting an annoyed glare at the back of their retreating uncle. 

"Don't worry about my bags man, I am Percy Jackson." Percy introduced himself to his cousin. Harry smiled at him a bit, relief shining through his emerald eyes as Percy didn't seem to like the Dursley's either. 

"I am Harry Potter, let me show you where you are sleeping tonight." Harry said with a faint smile on his face maybe this summer won't be so bad after all, Harry thought. 

Percy walked through the house following Harry to their shared room, Percy snorted as he saw the room, the room was tiny. Two single beds were on opposite sides of the room but Percy could easily reach over from the bed and smacked Harry if he wanted to. 

"So much for privacy." Percy mumbled but Harry laughed. 

"Don't worry, I always go down to the cafe down the street. If not they keep me locked in my room." Harry explained bitterly. 

"Well, I can shower really quick and go down to that cafe?" Percy asked. 

Harry nodded, excited about the prospect of talking to his new cousin, there was just something about Percy that made Harry's nerves tingle. It was like he was already comfortable with Percy like he knew him for years but he knew that he was dangerous, his sea green eyes looked lost. Like he was a man with nothing else left to live for. 

Percy ducked into the small shared bathroom, the door was still slightly ajar as Harry peaked through to see Percy Jackson take his shirt off, Harry gasped softly as Percy's torso was covered in scars. 

Harry quickly went to his bed and laid down before he was knocked out of his thinking when the water started before he heard a faint chirping. 

Alarmed Harry ran to the closet and opened it to see his white snow owl looking at him curiously. 

"Shush Hedwig, Percy doesn't know about this world. You have to be quiet, I promise I will get you out of the house when I can." Harry promised, Hedwig's black eyes looked back at Harry as if sizing him up before trilling softly as in an acceptance to Harry's promise. 

The water stopped and Harry closed the closet door. A few minutes later Percy stepped out of the bathroom with a sea green v-neck and a pair of black jeans. 

"Ready to go?" Percy asked Harry, who nodded and led Percy to his favourite cafe.

The Order Meets the Son Of the Sea  (Harry Potter and HOO Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now