I Am a What?

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Quote of the Chapter 

"I knew that somewhere God was laughing. He had taken the other half of my heart, the one person who knew me better than I knew myself, and He had done what nothing else could do. By bringing us together, He had set into motion the one thing that could tear us apart."

― Jodi Picoult, Harvesting the Heart


Harry and Percy entered the cafe, Percy was looking around curiously. A girl with hazel skin and soft brown eyes greeted the two cousins, they placed their orders. After Percy paid much to Harry's annoyance, they sat down. Both of them swapping life stories unbeknownst to either of them they were getting very watered down versions of each others tale. The server came over bringing their cookies and coffees.

Percy looked at the cookie sadly. 

"Are you OK, Percy?" Harry asked as he noticed his cousins look. 

Percy looked up grinning. "Yea I am fine, just wishing that more people should make their cookies blue." 

Harry looked at Percy weirdly. 

Percy sighed happily as if remembering a good memory. "My mom, makes the best cookies in the world. But she dyes everything blue, that is what makes them so good." 

"Why blue though?" Harry questioned. Percy explained leaving Harry laughing and Percy smirking at the story and the memory. 

The two got up holding their coffees in their hand as they wandered around little Whinging. 

They stopped at a park and sat on the swings, sitting in a comfortable silence as they slowly sipped on their coffees. 

"So I have to ask, why did you come here to live with the Dursley's?" Harry asked, hate leaked out as he said his cousins name. 

Percy looked ahead and sighed as tear escaped his eye. 

"Sorry Percy I didn't know it was a touchy subject." Harry rushed. 

Percy gave him a watery smile, as he dried his cheek. "It is OK, Harry. I moved here to get away from my country a while. My best friend died in an.. Accident." Harry noticed he paused at an accident.

"Bloody hell Percy I had no idea." Harry said softly. "I lost a friend of mine last year, it sucks." 

Percy looked at him with sympathy. "You can't carry the guilt around with you Harry, I don't know what happened but I can see the look in your eyes. You are not at fault for his death, I don't know who is and I won't ask. But it is not on you." 

Harry met his cousins gaze, they were as serious as he had ever seen them.

"Awe are the two losers gonna kiss?" A familiar voice called out. 

The two turned to see their fat cousin with three of his goonies. 

"I don't know, if you were standing any closer to your friends it would look like you are about to jerk each other off." Percy retorted, making Harry chuckle a bit. 

Dudley turned bright red. "Well my mum told me why you are here. Cause your little itty bitty girlfriend died? You are just like Potter, he has no parents and you have no friends." 

The two cousins bristled at the words, Harry reached for his wand but stopped as Percy stood up suddenly glaring at the four across. They all took a step back in fear. 

"I suggest you four fat idiots leave while you still can." Percy growled. 

Dudley seemed to grow a back bone as he sneered. "It was probably you that killed her, that is why you are here." 

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