Releasing The Past

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Quote of the Chapter

"Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul." ~ William Earnest Henley


Harry saw his cousin glance to the side every muscle in Percy's body tense and on edge, before Harry could open his mouth to ask what had Percy so alert. His cousin rushed behind the group, Percy a blur. He heard some one yell at him than Harry heard the words that made his heart drop to his stomach as he looked back as tears flooded to his eyes. 

"Avada Kedavra!" The wizard on the side of the street shot the killing curse towards Sirius but Percy took the light to the chest, his cousin falling limply to the ground. Harry instantly had his wand out, with everyone else. Nico and Thalia drew a sword and bow respectively as they walked towards the man with deadly intent, their eyes blazing in fury as Sally clutched her dead son's head as she let out a groan of the deepest heartbreak Harry has ever heard 

The groan turned into a scream, a scream filled with such grief and anger everyone almost stopped what they were doing as Sirius cast Stupefy as the man was flung back and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, as he fell unconscious. 

Harry ran back to his cousin, everyone was crying except Sirius who was looking at he dead boy in shock. Despite how he treated Percy in the past Percy leapt to his defense and now he, a boy, was dead because he wasn't paying attention. Suddenly thunder boomed, so loudly overhead that everyone flinched except for Sally, Nico, Thalia and Paul as they all looked up to the sky with tears running down their face. 

Suddenly a flash of light blinded everyone for a second before it fading and it's place was a man that looked like Percy in thirty years, his eyes were broken. His bottom lip wobbling as he looked down at his son's broken body. 

"Lord Poseidon." Thaila said her voice quivering as she bowed her head in respect as did Nico and Paul, Sally just looked at her ex-lover and the father of her only child with hope. 

"My son." Poseidon said shakily, as the god dropped to his knees as he grabbed Percy's limp hand and brought it to his lips as he kissed his son's calloused hands. 

"You can bring him back can't you Poseidon?" Sally asked hope gleaming in her eyes. 

"My son, my pride and joy." Poseidon murmured, his eyes staring at Percy's body but not fully comprehending what he was seeing. 

"Poseidon!" Sally yelled as she cradled Percy's head, the god of the sea's looked into Sally's eyes, the eyes he fell in love with so many years ago. 

"Sally I am so-" Poseidon started but Sally cut him off.

"No, no!" Sally screamed. "No he is our son, he can't be gone." 

Poseidon looked sadly at the mother of his child as everyone watched  curiously, especially Harry meeting his Uncle for the first time. 

"He will come back to Olympus with me, he deserves the final rites of the true hero he is." Poseidon said gently. Sally shook her head vehemently. 

"No he is my son, I will decide where his funeral will be." Sally growled. 

Poseidon nodded. "Before you truly decide, his friends will want to mourn him as well. People he has become family with, people that can't be out in the mortal world. Zeus will allow you to come to Olympus I swear." 

Hermione touched her dead friends hand, curious about death as she had never seen some one close to her die. Her lip trembled, surprised that his flesh was still warm out of instinct she felt for a pulse. 

"Excuse me." Hermione said quietly, but everyone was to busy talking among them selves or like Harry and Ginny, holding each other staring off into space. Thalia and Nico, shed their tears and now their eyes were just puffy as they had a hand on each of Sally's shoulders comforting the grieving mother. 

"Excuse me." Hermione said shrilly her excitement at all time high as she looked around to everyone. "He had a pulse, he is still alive." 

~Line break~ 

Percy found himself in a black room, not to sure where he was. It wasn't Chirons, he would have remembered that old fashioned hotel room any where. Suddenly he heard a bang he turned to trying to pull out Riptide only to realise, that he was dead and it wouldn't be on him anymore. 

But his breath hitched, she was standing there with a sad smile on her face and the grey orbs he was so in love with glimmered with tears. The duo stood soaking in the fact they were in each other's presence for the first time in a year. 

"Annabeth." Percy murmured, as he held open his arms as she finally had enough of not touching him for a year, missing her love every day that they were separated. They fit each other perfectly, they hugged what seemed like seconds but it was closer to five minutes. Than Annabeth looked up and kissed her boy. The kiss was bliss to them both after so long after the kiss they started talking against each others lips. 

"I miss you so much." Percy said. 

"I know seaweed brain, I miss you too." Annabeth said before she took a deep breath, Percy leaned back as he saw Annabeth finger her necklace. A nervous trait, Percy knew Annabeth had for years. 

"What is wrong, wise girl?" Percy asked. 

Annabeth looked at Percy. "I am going for rebirth." 

"But I just got here, can you not wait so I can hang out with everyone or should I just join you now?" Percy asked helpless. 

Annabeth maintained her eye contact with Percy. "It is not your time to die yet my love, you are slowly leaving here. Please go have what we were never meant to have, a family. A girl that loves you like I do. We will meet again, I promise." 

Percy choked back his sob but nodded. "I will see you again, I promise. No matter what, mortal or demigods. You will always be my wise girl." 

With that Annabeth kissed him soft and slow, pouring the emotions they had for each other into the kiss that words could never express. 

With that when the kiss broke, Percy opened his eyes to find Sirius, Sally and Poseidon looking down at him with worry before they all smiled at him. 

"My boy, you made it." Poseidon said gruffly, his eyes red and puffy as he lightly gripped Percy's shoulder. The demigod gave his father a small smile, his heart still heavy from seeing his lost love but he had a world to save. 

The Order Meets the Son Of the Sea  (Harry Potter and HOO Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora