A New Family

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Song of the Chapter 

Leave a light on ~ Tom Walker

Quote of the Chapter

"One more day one more time, one more sunset and maybe I would be satisfied. But than again I know it would do, leave me wishing for one more day with you." 

~ Diamond Rio 


"I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black." A female sang through the dark corridors of the ministry, Harry sprinted after the voice of Bellatrix La Strange Percy hot on his cousins heels. 

The saw the black haired witch skipping down the hall, Harry pointed his wand at her as he shouted. "Crucio!" 

The woman fell on her stomach as she screamed in pain but stopped suddenly as she was left on moaning on the floor. 

"Again this time Potter, mean it this time." A snake like male voice hissed through the heads of the trio. 

"Master?" Bellatrix muttered as she climbed into the floo network and disappeared. 

A man appeared out of nothingness as he faced the cousins, wand in hand. 

"Perseus Jackson, the only living son of Poseidon. I would offer you to join me but you never would, these pathetic mud-bloods have already gotten to you." Voldemort sneered. 

Harry went to cast a spell, but he was suddenly sent flying back with Percy. 

"I get to kill these so called legendary heroes tonight, must be my birthday." Voldemort spat as he raised his wand to kill the cousins. 

But Dumbledore apperated in front of them and deflected the spell, Percy turned to his cousin. 

"Stay here." Percy said as he went to get up to help Dumbledore but without looking the ancient wizard shot his hand back pushing Percy back. 

"Stay back both of you." Dumbledore said as he cast spell after spell at the evil wizard. 

"It was foolish to come here Tom, now the ministry will have to believe us that you are here and alive." Dumbledore grunted as he cast a protective spell from the fire serpent Voldemort sent to him. 

"You shall all be dead before they arrive." Voldemort sneered. 

"Not so Tom." Dumbledore said calmly as they continued to battle before Dumbledore disarmed Voldemort, who vanished into black smoke that shot into Harry. 

Harry's eyes changed to red. "You lost old man." 

"No, Harry fight." Dumbledore said calmly. 

"You should have treated me with respect." Harry hissed. 

"I thought by keeping you far from me, you would be safer, I am so sorry I was wrong Harry. But you have to fight.' 

Percy sat and watched carefully, he didn't want to interrupt and wasn't sure how this worked. 

Harry took a deep breath. "You say you and I are the same, but I actually know what it is to be loved, I will have the one thing you can never have, a family. One emotion you will never understand, love." 

With that Harry flooded his mind with all of the happiest moments of his life, with a howl of agony Voldemort exited Harry's mind as the prime minister of magic arrived, who stopped as he saw Voldemort. 

"He is back." Cornelius gasped, Voldemort heard as he noticed them for the first time, with a scream of outrage he fled into the night. 

Dumbledore turned back to Harry. "When your mother gave her life she cast a spell on you, as long as you stay with your family you will be shielded from him." 

"So that is why I have to stay with the Dursley's?" Harry asked. 

"Yes, I am sorry I left you to them, child I did not have a choice." Dumbledore said sadly. 

Percy interjected. "Why not spend the summer with his family that actually care about him this year?" 

Dumbledore looked at Percy shocked but Harry smiled. "That would be nice." 

Percy fist pumped the air. "Next stop this summer, New York." 

Harry and Dumbledore grinned at the young son of Poseidon's antics before addressing the Prime minister, after that Dumbledore asked Percy.

 "Are you sure he will be safe in New York?" 

Percy nodded. "I killed two wizards today with my sword, that mean's you are magical. Meaning Harry can stay at Camp Half-blood this summer." 

~The End

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