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"There is no peace, I'm sorry to say. We find it. We lose it. We find it again. We lose it again."

― Kurt Vonnegut, Slapstick, or Lonesome No More


Before Molly could yell to the children, Dumbledore asked each of them to keep the fact that Percy was a demigod to themselves. Once he was satisfied with that, he apparated out of the house. 

Percy sat a the table, anxiously awaiting dinner, his cousin came down the stairs with five other kids, four of them had the red hair, Percy remembered Ronald. Only cause he made the connection with old Mcdonald had a farm, don't blame him. He has the mind of a five year old.

Harry introduced his friends, Ron. Hermione Granger, who blushed a bit when Percy shook her hand, Ron noticed and shot him a glare. Percy just rolled his eyes, he had no intrest in Hermione, the love of his life just died for Hades sake! Than Ginny, like Hermione blushed as he shook her hand and he was seriously starting to wonder if he had something on his face. 

Than he met the twins Fred and George, they had the mischievous twinkle in their eye that reminded Percy of the Stolls. He sat down and instantly checked his pockets and breathed a sigh of relief as he he still had everything. 

"So Percy where are you from?" Hermione asked politely. 

"I am from New York." Percy said as dinner was served his mouth was a jar as the plates just floated in. Before some one snapped their fingers in front of his face, bringing him back to reality. 

"Magic." Harry said suppressing a grin. 

"So cool." Percy said with childlike wonder making the table laugh. 

"How have you never used magic? I mean you are Harry's cousin aren't you?" Ron asked through a mouthful of food, making every one look at him weirdly as they didn't understand him except Hermione who was going to translate for Percy but didn't have to as Percy replied. 

"My dad and mom never told me I was a wizard, I just found out tonight." Percy said through a mouthful of food. 

"What?" Everyone asked except Ron who nodded, impressed with Percy who was even beating Ron at eating. 

Percy swallowed his food and repeated himself. 

"That is peculiar, I thought wizards had to open their own letters or they keep getting them till the wizard opens it up themselves?" Hermione questioned. 

"I moved around a lot." Percy shrugged, Hermione looked at him suspiciously but let it rest. 

"What is the game plan for tomorrow?" Percy asked leaning back in his chair, Mrs. Weasley's cooking rivaled his mothers. 

"Well we have to get everything from Diagon Alley, since you don't have any wizard currency. I got you covered cuz." Harry smiled at his cousin.

Percy smiled back. "Sounds good, I am beat. Where am I sleeping tonight?" 

"Come on we will show you." Harry said as he gestured to Ron and himself.

"Wait one second." He told the boys who looked at him confused but Percy looked over at Mrs. Weasley. "Thank you for dinner it was delicious. Can I help clean up at all?" 

Mrs. Weasley blushed at the compliment. "It was my pleasure dear, but no we have house elves for that here." 

Percy nodded like he knew what they were, as he followed Harry and Ron out of the room he asked. 

"What are house elves?" 

The whole kitchen table laughed raucously.

Harry and Ron shared their room with Percy, the boys chatted about Hogwarts for a bit. Ron and Harry also gave Percy Harry's true story. Which Percy nodded slowly, to Ron and Harry it didn't seem that he understood the full gravity of the situation but they bid each other a good night. 

The Order Meets the Son Of the Sea  (Harry Potter and HOO Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now