Friends Become Lovers?

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Quote of the Chapter

"Grief is messy. It's traumatic. Devastating. Confusing. Exhausting. Grief is a natural process of our human experience. May you find comfort in these unexpected places along your journey."

― Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith In The Dark


Percy's first day flew by until it was the last class of the day. Defense agains the dark arts with the Slythrins. Percy grew to ignore all of the looks that the girls were giving him, they creeped him out. The boys mostly scowled, which he had no idea why, when he asked Hermione she just rolled her eyes and muttered. "Boys." 

They walked into the classroom and sat down, their bags down by their feet as they settled to attention as Umbridge smiled at them but it wasn't a warm and friendly smile, more of a 'Listen to me or else smile.' 

"Good evening class." The woman clad in pink said with fake cheeriness, there was some half hearted replies before the smile wavered a bit on the woman's face. 

"Let us try that again, say good evening Professor Umbridge." 

"Good evening Professor Umbridge." The class said louder with no enthusiasm. 

Umbridge nodded once the smile never wavering from her face. "Today students we will be writing chapters. Please copy down chapters one through four." 

Hermione put her hand up, Umbridge tried to ignore her but all the students looked at Hermione. 

"Yes Miss?" Umbridge asked trailing off not knowing who she was talking to. 

"Granger, ma'am. I just have a question about your course aims." 

"Questions will be asked after class dear." Umbridge said curtly. 

"But ma'am, will we be using spells?" Hermione protested. 

Umbridge giggled."I don't see why you would be needing to use spells in my class, theoretical knowledge will get you through your O.W.L.S." 

Harry scoffed. "Theoretical knowledge won't help us if we are in a fight." 

"Hands must be raised in my class if you are to talk Mr. Potter." Umbridge said in a clipped tone. Harry raised his hand and repeated his question.

"I don't know any one that would be attacking you. Do you?" Umbridge laughed. 

Harry rolled his eyes and dropped his arm."Voldemort for one." 

The class gasped at his name, Umbridge scoffed."He who must not be named had been dead for a decade. The lies that the dark lord has returned are just that. Lies, to spread fear so you think that you need to know to cast offensive and defensive spells."

"So according to the ministry, Cedric Diggory just dropped dead on his own accord? I was there, Voldemort killed him." Harry said with venom. 

"Hand up, Mr. Potter." Umbridge screamed shrilly, Harry and Percy both raised their hands but Umbridge pointed at Percy. 

"And you Mr....?" 

"Jackson, Ma'am." Percy said as he coughed out ma'am. 

"And what is your question? Mr. Jackson." Umbridge asked with an eyebrow raised. 

"It isn't a question, the Dark Lord is rising and if we all want to survive we must know how to defend ourselves from our enemies. You can't expect us to all drop dead when the Than-Death eaters attack us." Percy stuttered on the death eaters as he giggled as he almost said Thanatos. 

"He isn't rising." Umbridge yelled.

"He is!" Harry screamed back. 

"Detention Mr. Potter. After class." Umbridge snarled, Harry packed his bags and left, Percy was about to follow his cousin but Hermione put a hand on his arm, shaking her head. Percy sighed and sat down as he copied the notes. 

~After class~

Percy sat outside Umbridge's office, eyes closed as he waited for his cousin to get off his punishment for telling the truth, until a voice brought him out of it. 

"Keep thinking that hard and all the seaweed will burn in your head." 

Percy opened his eyes as he saw Luna Lovegood and her mischievous smile on her face as she looked down at him. But all Percy saw was Annabeth staring down at him, Percy sighed as he rubbed his eyes. 

"Hey Luna, sorry I am kind of out of it. Harry got detention so I have been waiting for him to get off." Percy apologised, noticing how beautiful Luna was looking, wearing her blue Ravenclaw robes and looking very concerned about his well being. 

"It's the Nargles" Luna said with her in a day dream voice he has hear numerous times before she shook her head and blushed a fiery red. "Don't worry Percy. Harry will be Ok."

"I know, I just can't lose any more people I care about."Percy said heartbroken. 

Luna sat beside him and put his large hand in her's ignoring the blood rushing to her face. "You can't think like that Percy, another war is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it." 

Percy sighed before he whispered. "I know Luna, it is hard. It is just so, so hard." 

The two demigods looked at each other at the same time, pale blue meeting sea green. Their breath fanning each others faces but neither cared, not realising how close the were getting until their lips were inches apart. Their eyes shut on instinct preparing to kiss, until the door banged open and Harry rushed out of there. 

Percy looked at Luna and could see the disappointment flashing in her eyes. 

"Rain cheque?" Percy asked before kissing Luna on the temple and rushing after his cousin. 

The Order Meets the Son Of the Sea  (Harry Potter and HOO Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now