The Order of Idiots

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Quote of the Chapter 

"To me, you were more than just a person. You were a place where I finally felt at home."

― Denice Envall

Three updates in less than two hours, about 5000 words ,you are welcome :) I am also going to make this a trilogy just and FYI, and I am not to sure if I want to set Percy up with any one. Let me know what you guys think. 


Percy stared at Dumbledore, Harry finally had finally woken up. "I can't believe you are a wizard, Percy! Hogwarts this year is going to be absolutely brilliant!" 

Percy rolled his eyes at his cousin but couldn't help but feeling a little excited, other than he has to be apart of another war, which was absolutely lovely. He didn't care anymore the next time he saw the Fates, he was going to definitely crack some skulls. 

Dumbledore tapped his wand on the ground three times before the whole building started to shift, it started expanding. Percy's jaw dropped as the whole building seemed to add at least ten more apartments. 

"Come along now boys, the Order is waiting and so are Ron and Hermione." Dumbledore said, Harry smiled a bit but scowled. Before Percy could ask why they were already walking up to the front of the house. Dumbledore did not even knock as he just walked right in. They heard yelling and suddenly a red haired woman walked into the hallway, squealing with joy as she spotted Harry and Dumbledore. She gave them a big hug each. 

"Harry, Dumbledore it is so good to see you." The red head gushed smiling hugely as she looked at them both. 

Dumbledore smiled slightly at the woman. "It is good to see you Molly, oh where are my manners. This is Perseus Jackson." Dumbledore pointing at Percy. 

"It is Percy." Percy said automatically before going to shake Molly's hand but she grabbed him in a hug, that rivaled Tyson's, his cyclops brother.

"What brings you here, Percy?" Molly asked brightly. 

"My little cousin needs some big boy protection." Percy said as he jerked his thumb towards Harry who gave and indignant "Hey!" 

Percy busted out laughing at the look of fake anger Harry was giving him. 

"Molly, Perseus will be joining the Order." Dumbledore said as he ignored the glare he was receiving from the young son of Poseidon.

"What that isn't bloody fair!" A new male voice said. Percy looked up to see the familiar red hair of Molly, the kid was about six feet and stocky build, his face almost as red as his hair with anger. 

"Ronald Weasley! Watch your mouth!" Molly yelled as Ron shrunk back, the far door opened and a head popped out he also had red hair a man about forty walked through the door. 

"Ah Arthur it is good to see you, I have a new recruit." Dumbledore said as he looked at Harry." Keep Ron and Hermione  company Harry, Perseus needs to talk to his new allies." 

Harry opened his mouth but thought better of it as he walked upstairs with his friends, suddenly Percy was nervous being in a room full of powerful wizards with magic he wasn't familiar. 

The redheaded man Dumbledore called Arthur stuck out his hand. "Arthur Weasley pleasure to meet you.." Arthur trailed off. 


"Perseus." Percy and Dumbledore said at the same time, Percy shot the professor a dirty look. 

"Good to meet you Percy. I have a son named Percy." Arthur said brightly. 

The Order Meets the Son Of the Sea  (Harry Potter and HOO Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now