Touring The Big Apple

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Quote of the Chapter 

"What makes a hero? Courage, strength, morality, withstanding adversity? Are these the traits that truly show and create a hero? Is the light truly the source of darkness or vice versa? Is the soul a source of hope or despair? Who are these so called heroes and where do they come from? Are their origins in obscurity or in plain sight?"

― Fyodor Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground, White Nights, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, and Selections from The House of the Dead


The next morning everyone woke up except Percy and his cousin from his father's side. They were all passed out on the couch, apparently they were all talking late into the night as they were wearing their clothes that they wore the evening before. 

Everyone was snickering as Percy had his head back on the couch with his mouth open as drool leaked from the corner of his mouth, Nico looked like a mummy on the floor with his arms over his chest. Jason and Thalia were on the other side of the room on the three seater, Thalia was spread all over the place leaving Jason with just the arm chair to be sitting on. 

"That can't be comfortable for any of them." Ron whispered to Harry who nodded with a smirk on his face. 

"I am not waking them up though." Harry said quietly to everyone, remembering the last time he woke up Percy, Harry rubbed his chest where Percy punched him. 

Sally giggled as she strolled up to the young teens. "Don't worry boys, I know how to wake them up without getting mad, just shout 'Sally made more bluecookies' and they will woken up faster than a blink." The two best friends looked at Sally dubiously before Ron shouted. 

"Sally made more blue cookies!" 

The demigods were instantly on their feet looking around the room wildly for the non-existent chocolate delicacies they so craved until they realised due to the fact of Harry, Sally and Ron laughing at them that there were none. 

"Go to the crows." Thalia muttered in Greek, which her cousins nodded their consent. 

"Thalia, be nice." Sally said in her sing song voice as she walked out the door as they demigods jaws dropped, not realising that Sally could speak Greek as well. 

After a delicious breakfast made by Sally and Molly and a day of lounging and talking, everyone gathered around the Port Key, which funnily enough was a post card of New York. 

"Alright everyone gather round, gather round. Put a finger on the post card, once the Port Key is scheduled to go it will take us to New York." Arthur explained cheerfully. 

"Will it hurt?" Jason asked. 

"No." Arthur said with a smile. 

"Only when you land." George and Fred whined at the same time as their father. 

Jason paled, but as he put his finger on the Portkey, his world as everyone started to spin super fast as they all lost hold of the post card and ended up in the living room of Sally's place. All the adults were standing, Paul wobbling slightly but seemed fine. All the kids however were on the floor groaning. 

"Thalia, your shoe is in my face." Nico whined. 

"Get used to it death breath." Thalia taunted, but shivered as the air got colder and angrier, but suddenly it stopped when a male in a disappointed tone said. 

"I told you Neeks, you shouldn't be using your magic any more." 

Everyone looked up from the floor to see a young blond man, with a great tan and wavy blond hair standing in front of them looking down. His face said that he was upset but his blue eyes were shining with happiness. 

"Will? What are you doing here?" Percy asked as he stood up and hugged the son of Apollo, Nico shooting him a half hearted death glare which Percy returned with a cheeky grin. 

Will returned the hug before hugging Nico and holding his hand. "Well it is Nico and I's second christmas together so I wanted to spend the day with him, but when he said he was visiting you I let him do that instead for christmas. But I am more than happy to hang out with you all as well if that is OK?" Will explained shooting Percy a knowing glance that he too was there to keep an eye on the wizards. 

Percy stood there grinning at his cousin holding hands with his boyfriend, Nico noticed and tried to escape Will's hand but Will was having none of it. 

Percy was to busy trying to make Nico uncomfortable that he didn't notice well built woman with a red bandanna covering her stringy brown hair walk up to him with a peanut butter sandwich in her left hand she punched Percy in the soldier. 

"Ow what the Hades?" Percy said as he saw Clarisse. 

"Clarisse?" Percy asked disbelieving. 

Clarisse just rolled her eyes and muttered. "Prissy." Before taking a bite of her sandwich. Percy opened his mouth to greet the daughter of War but was interrupted but two blond twins. 

"Percy." The one on the right said with a bored expression.

"Clarisse snuck up on you, how does that make you feel?" The one on the left said seriously.  

"It is like a bear sneaking up on an ant, how is that possible?" The one on the right contiuned. 

Percy groaned, the twins pouted but Percy gave them both a hug, Percy than turned to the wizards were were looking on the scene with confusion and a little bit of fear. 

Percy introduced his friends but when it came time to introduce Connor and Travis they took it to a Stoll like level. 

"I am Connor Stoll, at your service." Connor bowed, Travis followed his movement and said his name at the same time as Connor. 

"And we are here to show you the greatest city ever." They cheered at the same time, every one of the wizards looked at the duo in horror except George and Fred. 

"They are exactly like George and Fred." Whispered a horrified Hermione, Ginny looked at the two with the same expression before turning to Hermione and whispered. 

"But cuter though." 

"Thank you my dear." Connor said bowing lower. Percy punched him making everyone laugh as Percy led everyone out of Sally and Paul's place to go explore an arctic New York. 

~Two Hour Time Lapse~

Everyone was in their own groups, Percy however was showing his friends around, but everyone had their head on swivel, demigod stink tends to compound in groups. 

Some times out of the corner of his eyes Percy could see streaks of silver and clouds of gold but he ignored it most of the time. But he saw a man walking towards the group with anger on his face. He pulled out a wand and pointed it at Sirius. 

"Avada Kedavera" The man shouted, a flash of green exploded out of the wand, Percy rushed back, knocking Sirius out of the way and taking the green light to the chest where the last thing Percy heard was screaming and spells being cast back and forth before letting darkness consume his senses.  

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