The Vision

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Quote of the chapter 

"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."

― Michael Jackson


Harry and Percy were quickly ushered into Dumbledore's office and were sat down as Harry told him that he saw Arthur Weasley was being attacked by a snake, at which Dumbledore paled. Percy sat on his chair heart thumping and his finger tapping on the armrest with increased speed, only adding to Harry's annoyance. 

"Minerva, grab the Weasley children they should be here, also grab Severus." Dumbledore ordered, the Transfiguration professor left in a hurry. When they all arrived except Severus Dumbledore asked Harry. 

"In the dream were you standing next to the victim or looking down at the scene?" 

"Neither it was like." Harry took a shuddering breath before continuing on. "Professor will you just tell me what is going on?" 

Dumbledor ignored the child and turned to a portrait of an elderly man and pleaded. "Neverheart, Arthur is on guard duty tonight. Make sure he is found by the right people." The portrait nodded and left. 

"Sir!" Harry protested. 

"Phineus you must go to your portrait at Grimmauld place and tell them that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured and that his children should be arriving there shortly by portkey." 

Neverheart came back. "They got him Albus, it was close but they think he will make it, what is more that the Dark lord failed to acquire it." 

Dumbledore sighed with relief. "Thank god." 

Percy coughed but the headmaster made him no mind, as he started to pace. Harry's face went red with rage. 

"Look at me!" Harry roared as everyone looked at him. "What is happening to me?" 

Before Dumbledore could say anything Severus arrived, looking at the son of his lost love confused before looking at the headmaster. "You wished to see me headmaster?" 

"Severus, I am afraid we cannot wait. Not even till the morning,otherwise we will be vulnerable." Dumbledore told the potions teacher, with a swift nod of his head Severus grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him outside. Percy went to follow but Dumbledore commanded. "Wait young Perseus." Before Dumbledore grabbed his portkey and gave it to Minerva as the four Weasley children and Minerva disappeared with a swirl of air. 

Dumbledore looked at Percy sadly. "Your cousin is in grave danger, Perseus." 

Percy looked at the old wizard with a duh face. "Thank you captain Obvious, you told me that six months ago." 

Dumbledore ignored the jab. "I have to tell you that I have not told to anyone in the Order. Severus is a double agent, he is placed with the Dark Lord and he will have many sacrifices to pay but your cousin is not one of them." 

Percy nodded slowly, remembering Silena as a spy but she was a hero in the end. Percy decided to give Snape the benefit of the doubt. "OK, what does this have to do with me?" 

Dumbledore went to speak but was got off by a new, familiar voice distracted them. "Percy!" 

Percy turned to the voice to see an Iris message of his redheaded friend and current Oracle of Delphi, Rachel Elizabeth Dare. "Rachel?" Percy asked. 

The Redhead smiled sadly at him in greeting. "We have the new Great Prophecy." 

Percy groaned in frustration but nodded to his old friend to continue. 

"World of two shall meet three,  

the Child of all 3 shall bring two oversea,

To lose all he holds dear, 

To realise not is all as he fears, 

His greatest wish shall be granted." 

Percy nodded slowly. "Any idea what it means?" 

Rachel looked at him with hopelessness. "I think it is about you again Percy, I know you just lost An-her. But the last line seems promising to see her again." 

Percy glared at his friend who backed up even though he couldn't hurt her through the mist. "I know Annabeth better than I know my self, she isn't waiting for me. Annabeth doesn't want a prince in shiny armour and she never has. The thing that kills  me the most is that I won't get to see her in this life or the next. I will see her when or if we ever make it to the Isle of the Blest." 

Rachel teared up a bit but nodded. "I understand, Percy. I am so-" 

Before Rachel could finish her sentence Percy swiped through the mist cancelling the connection. 

"Well that is a great new way to message people." Dumbledore mused but gulped a bit nervously as Percy's cold sea green eyes met his. Dumbledore shifted in his seat before he chose his next words carefully. 

"So this prophecy, might mean all of you will help us than?" 

Percy looked away than back into Dumbledore's eyes.before saying. "I hope not, Dumbledore. We demigods have a tough life, if anything I will bring my cousin's if they are willing to help if not. Than that is fine, I will fight for Hogwarts with my last breath if needed." 

"Good young Perseus Jackson. To be frankly honest, it might be exactly what we need." Dumbledore said sadly. 

Percy nodded, his eyes cold, seeing but not at the same time. Shattered glass is what Dumbledore saw in the young demigods eyes. Eyes of a soldier, one who has seen battle and death, who has seen sacrifice and Dumbledore really did wish Harry wouldn't have the same eyes. 

"Will you spend your Christmas with your mother or here with Harry?" Dumbledore asked. 

Percy cocked his head to the side before smiling slightly. "Why not both?" 

Dumbledore smiled as well. "I will let Sirius and Molly, know." 

Percy just nodded before leaving the headmasters room. Dumbledore rubbed his temples with his hands wondering how his plan for Harry will end up with the Legendary son of Poseidon protecting Harry. 

The Order Meets the Son Of the Sea  (Harry Potter and HOO Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora