The Sorting

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Quote of the Chapter

"You must bear losses like a soldier, the voice told me, bravely and without complaint, and just when the day seems lost, grab your shield for another stand, another thrust forward. That is the juncture that separates heroes from the merely strong."

― Margaret George, The Memoirs of Cleopatra


"I will bake you blue cookies for the rest of your life?" Harry asked. 

"Tempting but no." Percy admitted.

"I will do all your homework." Hermione said, frustration evident in her eyes. 

"Still a hard no because you will do it for me anyway." Percy replied with a cheeky smile and shooting her his famous seal eyed pout as his friends called it, Hermione turned to look out the window blushing furiously. 

"I won't do anything, I think it is hilarious." Ron laughed. 

If you were wondering what they were fighting about was the fact that Percy refused to wear his school robes, they have begged and pleaded but to no avail until Luna said quietly. 

"What would Annabeth say?" 

Percy looked at her, pain flashing through his eyes before he responded just as quietly. "She would tell me to wear the robes and beat me till I put them on." Before he got up with his robes to change in the bathroom.

"How did you know Annabeth?" Hermione asked Luna, who shrugged. 

"Percy said we went to camp together, Annabeth was in the same camp. It is where they met and fell for each other against the odds." 

"What do you mean?" Asked Ginny. 

"Annabeth's mom hates Percy." Luna said obviously and every one winced, that must have sucked. 

They sat in silence thinking, before Percy came into the compartment with a scowl on his face refusing to meet any ones eyes.

The train stopped and everyone filed out to see carriages pulling the students seemingly by themselves according to Ron, Ginny, Neville and Hermione but Percy and Harry asked at the same time. 

"What are those?" Pointing at the black seemingly skeletal horses that were pulling the carriage. 

Hermione frowned. "What do you mean?" 

"The things pulling the carts!" Harry said before frowning. "Do you not see them?" Ron and Hermione shook their heads. 

"Don't worry you aren't going crazy, they are called Thresterals. They can only be seen by people who have seen death." Luna explained. 

Percy and Harry nodded, both of them have seen death. Harry during the Triwizard cup and Percy to many times, when his cousin sacrificed her self to the automaton that should have been on their side but was intent on killing them, than his friend Zoe, Luke, countless others during the wars he was apart of, one of those causalities was his loving girlfriend Annabeth. 

They took the carriage to the school, where Percy looked around in wonder. When they reached the front gate a stern looking with woman with greying hair was there to greet them. 

"Perseus Jackson I presume?" The lady asked. 

"It is Percy." Percy whined, his friends laughed. 

The woman allowed her self a small smile before saying. "I am professor Mcgonagall. Please follow me, we need you to get sorted into a house." 

Percy nodded before waving good bye to his cousin and his friends as he followed her to the first year group, his friends explaining the houses. Gryffindor for the brave and courageous, Hufflepuff for the kind hearted and loyal, Ravenclaw for intelligence, and Slytherin for cunning. But they all said that the Slytherin house were a bunch of asshats. 

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