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It was the first day of school after summer break and I was sitting in my usual spot at the front of the class. Boring ol' English with Mrs. Morrison. Even though it was the first day, everyone knew everyone at my school, and everyone knew everyone's spots...

"Well would you look at that! Our new student is here!" Mrs Morrison shouted excitedly before the door was even being opened.

In walked a girl with long black hair, and ivory skin. She was wearing a Gucci button up jersey type of thing with matching pants, and clunky ass Gucci shoes.

Okay so this bitch just called me broke without even saying shit... Yeah, okay.

She looked way older than 15... She looked like a senior! But here she was, in a sophomore class.

"Mind introducing yourself to the class Miss O'Connell?" Mrs. Morrison pressed.

The girl had a smug look on her face and she looked so fed up with this bullshit... Same girl... fucking same.

"I'm Billie." She spoke sounding bored, as she threw her hand up in a 'rock on' sign.

I lightly chuckled at that before her eyes met mine. What the fuck, her eyes... They were really fucking blue, it was almost frightening.

She was frightening.

A small smirk grew on her face before she turned and made her way to the back of the classroom.

Damn, she was so fucking fine.

The rest of the day had went by rather quickly, and that Billie chick was in three out of four of my classes for this semester... She was staring at me in all three of them.

I trudged through the busy ass hallways to go and find my brother. His locker was ever so conveniently on the other fucking side of the school, but it was closer to the entrance, which was why I needed to go look for him, and not vice versa.

I froze in place when I saw who he was talking to...


I walked up to them, arms crossed and nose in the air. I was usually a confident girl, and I wasn't going to let some random ass girl that just appeared out of literally nowhere change that...

"Hurry up, headass." I said to him, not even daring to glance in Billie's direction.

"She's a feisty one, huh..." Billie said, the same smug look on her face from earlier.

I kept my eyes burning into the side of my brothers face.

"Yeah, she is... and an annoying little fuck." My brother added.

Nathan. He was popular. The cooler one out of the two of us, I guess you could say. He had plenty of friends, and he was on the football team, yada yada, classic annoying popular boy.
Oh yeah, and he was also my step-brother, but we had a good bond.

new girl | billie eilishNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ