Clan Festivities

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I cooked and yawned. Jessica warned me about cooking in the nude, but I reminded her I was not frying anything, and I shower fresh. A shower that had been singular in its purpose of getting me awake enough to cook and clean. I am on my second protein and raw egg shake, and my third cup of extra strong, iced, black Lone Star Blend. I like this roast since it left a lot of caffeine in the bean.

I am a Philistine. I don't like hot drinks. I like cold ones. Helen said if I ordered my drinks as I prefer anywhere in Europe, they would know I am a Yank.

Jessica and Helen cleaned everything including each other to a shine. They stopped to kiss and caress every now and then. My blood pressure is low, and I am tired enough that I am glad they are bothering each other at the moment. At least all my bite marks will be covered when I get dressed. They had been careful about that. That is about the only thing they were careful about.

I only needed to cook, and even that is not solitary. Both of them helped when their house and each other cleaning was done, and they only occasionally patted my butt. They patted each other's derrière's as well, in a very casual and loving way that showed that they are very relaxed. If it was not for the fact that the house is about to be filled with family and friends, it would seem like your average, run-of-the-mill morning, sprinkled with little tokens of affection. The undercurrent contained a message: Jessica is more comfortable being physical with Helen now. Helen loved that, though oddly I saw a guilty glance my way a few times from Helen.

A human might think it gross to have someone cook naked for them, but three Vampires cooking naked means cleaner food. With our immune systems, very little can live on or in us that does not belong there. One of the perks of Vampiredom. Jessica told me there are virus's that seemed to have evolved to prey upon Vampires: The never-ending arms race between the macroscopic and microscopic. So far, nothing that gives a Vampire a cold seems to do more than just exist in a human. Humans are the asymptomatic carriers, waiting to infect some poor Vampire that happens along to have a sip.

Danny and Lori would be over about 10 am, so we dressed by then. My parents would not care a whit about Solstice au naturel, but Danny and Lori would not be in the slightest bit comfortable, never mind how Don and Liz might react.

Danny and Lori came in carrying dishes full of food and set them on the table. Some of the dishes are Lori's family recipes. Spanish Rice. Enchilada's with a mixture of shredded and stewed pork and peas and various other spices, in a Red or Green sauce. Fried Ice Cream that went immediately into the freezer. We are going to be so stuffed by the end of the day.

It is a bright sunny day, pleasantly cool, but not at all cold. No white Xmas. Not in Austin. We'd open up the house and let the breeze in, but not so much it blew the rebuilt Winter Wonderland apart. We have folding tables for outside, and canopies, and it is going to be the biggest holiday in... ever.

The kitchen had too many cooks squeezing by each other. This led to hilarity and rude jokes. Aromas filled the air. We drank more coffee. Helen shook her head when I iced mine. Mom and Dad brought more food in from the RV, and it was even more crowded. Dad made Sopapillas, and the honey for them was something they got from a friend in Northern Israel. I was not even aware of that industry in Israel but I guess bees are required everywhere for pollinators.

Helen, Dad, Danny, and Lori went off to set up the outdoors, freeing up some space. Mom told Jessica about the family traditions for Solstice. Jessica took in every word with that rapt attention. Jessica never does anything by halves it seems. Not even relax.

We are multi-cultural and multi-ethnic. One holiday tradition is the making of the Lefse, and Dad did that in the RV too. I have no idea how: Lefse needs to be rolled out and requires lots of counter space. By the time you are done the whole space is white with flour. Dad has been making it for years though, so he managed. I guess it went with the mess that the Sopa's probably are. The RV is probably a cooking war zone.

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