Consequences Have Actions

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The days rolled on in normality. The four of us found a new rhythm of existence. Work during the day, Dinner at night. It may be the calm before the Conclave storm, but it is calm.

I called Vera to see how she is getting along, and she said: "I am still getting used to it all, but there are some things I like about being a Siren. The singing is good. The sex is OK too. Still trying out the local talent pool to see what it has to offer. Shirl tells me who to avoid."

Vera finished with "Thank you, Adrian. As much as I am liking this... as much as it all feels right like nothing has in my life, I'm only sorry we didn't get another go at it. The new you is sexy as hell. I imagine you make love as well as you fight now."

Jessica, knowing I called Vera sat in earshot, and came over to contribute "Oh no Vera" She said in a loud voice Vera could hear "Relative to in my bed, he's a terrible fighter. Much better lover and we are working on the fighting too."

Vera inhaled deeply. She had to know her chain is being severely jerked. I am glad I could not scent her. "Fuck me." Vera said, but not as an invitation. Vera did not like being overheard by Jessica wishing out loud for a roll in the hay with me.

Jessica is not lying. She is making me learn all sorts of new fighting things.

My wife beats me regularly.

"If you need anything, call me. I moved your car by the way. It's around the side of the house."

"How d'you do that? I have the keys."

"I had a house full of Vampires. We carried it."

"Shit. Well, I'll get you the keys. It's yours now."

"I didn't pay you anything for it yet!" I protested

"You gave me a whole new life. Female Sirens are pretty well taken care of, despite all the tough talk. The men are mostly full of shit. Still, I miss talking about something intelligent with a man every now and then. Really, really limited interaction. All these dudes care about is singing and fucking and singing about fucking, and when you get down to it, they are better singers than lovers. Rough is nice now and again. As a steady diet, it gets old. I have my sisters, and the kids to raise, and everything is OK. Thanks again. Talk to you soon."

Kids to raise. There is something I never thought to hear from Vera. Interesting. So children are a communal effort of the women. That needed to go into the virtual Siren database for sure.

After I hung up. Jessica stood there still and looked serious. I thought from her expression I am about to get an ear-full about Vera again. "Adrian. Sit down. I need to tell you something."

I sat on the edge of the bed, and Jessica leaned against the dresser. We traded places since the night I pulled out the ring for Jessica.

"What's up?" I asked after waiting a bit with no further words from Jessica.

"You know when we talked about how you are different. Not only that you smell different, but how your blood is delicious and how Helen and I love drinking from you in the shower, and all?"


"You know how I am screwing with Vera about you being better in bed than at fighting?"

"Again: Yes."

"You know how you keep giving the women Vampires around you periods. Like Helen."

"Not you though. I guess it is because you are so young? Or are you saying you are having a period? No: I would know that."

Jessica reached over into my little box, pulled out an object that I never put there, handed it to me.

I looked up at Jessica, held up the pregnancy test with a positive reading on it.

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