Vera and Jessica

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I heard Vera's car rolling up the driveway and went out to meet her. It was her Buick beater still. I was confused. That is the car she was going to pay someone to steal.

Vera Roper got out, and I had to admit she looked good. Vera is shortish, with shoulder length very thick brown hair. Everything about Vera leans towards sexy rather than cute or beautiful. Even the way she walks, with rolling hips. It looked like she might be working out, as she is thinner than I remember, with new definition in her arms and legs I could see in infrared.

Vera stopped a foot from me her eyes wide in shock. The last six months I have changed quite a bit too, losing my spare tire, and some of my upper body bulk. My hair is still long, but no longer has anything slightly receding about it. She looked me over and then licked her lips "My god! Adrian! You look great! What the hell have you done! Look at you!" Every sentence punctuated. Vera walked around me and looked me over like I am a clothes dummy wearing her favorite Armani. "Jesus Adrian. This may have to be a booty call. You look good enough to eat."

"Hi, Vera. You look nice too. Been working out?" I avoided her reference.

"Yeah. Some. Nothing like you though! Fucking yumm!" Vera enthused.

"You still have the car." I said, indicating the Buick that was the reason we parted ways. Why I broke up with her the last time.

"Yeah. Don't get all smug or anything. I decided you are right. Stealing is stealing. All that shit. I still hate the fuck out of it." Vera glared at her junker.

Vera looked over at my garage, saw the cars there "And speaking of cars, how many do you have?"

"A few. Lots has happened since I last saw you."

Vera came up to me, and put her arms around my neck, and pulled my face down to hers, pressing her body into mine to make sure I got the point about the booty call being on the table. She tried to make the kiss last, but I pulled back and told her in a subdued tone "Sorry. I think you'll want to hear what I have to say before you get too excited about... that kind of thing." I finished lamely. I held her face with one hand "It means a lot to me that you still have the piece of shit car. Thank you for that." She leaned her face into my hand and smiled, a pretty smile.

Standing this close, having kissed her, I know I am right about her. Being right did not make me completely happy.

"Come on inside. I have some coffee ready. We have a lot to talk about." I tried to keep the sad out of my voice.

Once inside, Vera looked around. All the holiday decorations still up.

"Holy shit, Adrian. I had no idea you were so into Christmas."

"I had the entire family here. I didn't do it all in any case. We'll get to that. It's part of the story. Still take it with sugar?"

"No. Cut that out to try to cut back on the calories. Besides, your coffee doesn't need it as I recall."

"No problem. Here you go." I handed her a mug and indicated the couch and easy chair in an arc. "Have a seat."

Vera chose the couch and patted next to her. I sat down and she took a sip of her coffee, pressing the side of her leg against mine and looking at me over the mug.

"So, what's the deal? You look great. Really really great. I can't get over it."

"Let's say my new life agrees with me. Ok. Here is the thing. I know what you are now, and I don't think you know what you are. I have no idea how to convince you exactly of all the things I need you know. It starts with this: You are not human. Not exactly anyway."

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