Chapter 35

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I trained with Michael and Luci for the next week to work on my new traits. While I was training with one, the other would watch Millie. I alternated with who I trained. Mostly it was Michael. Amelia stole all Luci's attention these days.

"...make this motion with your hand, curl your fingers," Michael directed me. I followed his instructions and aimed at the chain across from us. I strained, but still nothing happened. Michael moves to stand behind me and held onto my extended arm. I broke concentration for a moment at his sudden touch.

"Aim your wrist, not your fingers. Then focus and curl," he said near my ear. I still couldn't focus. Michael let go of me to stand beside me again. I focused on the chair and it eventually began to float.
I sighed and released my focus. Michael handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"It's awkward isn't it?" Michael asked out of the blue.

"What is?" I asked confused. He sighed as he went to sit on the porch swing. I followed and sat next to him.

"Being around me... after what I said," he clarified. I took a deep breath as I looked up at the stars.

"I don't know if I'd say awkward. I've just... become more aware of you, that's all," I answered.

"I shouldn't have said anything," he apologized. I shook my head quickly before turning to look at him.

"You can't help how you feel. I know that better than anyone. I know your situation is... different. Even if I liked you back, your relationship would never be allowed. It has to be tough living on through orders and ignoring love," I said quickly.

"Ignoring what love? Why are you talking about relationships with my wife," Luci said suddenly from the doorway.

"Luci..." I said, standing quickly.

"Technically you haven't married her yet," Michael said.

"Not helping," I muttered to Michael under my breath.

"I told Megan that I loved her, that's all," Michael said nonchalantly. My eyes widened at him.

"Why does the eunuch speak of loving a human," Luci seethed. I went to stand in front of him and held his arm gently as he got angrier.

"He just said it to get it off his chest. He didn't mean anything by it and he hasn't done anything wrong," I tried to explain quickly. Luci's hands were slowly being surrounded by a black smoke.

"I want to hear his words," Luci said pulling his arm out of my grip. Michael glances at his hands before looking at his face again.

"You should really watch that Death Touch around your family. You almost touched Megan. You know they're not immune," Michael said. Luci looked down at his hands before he took a breath with his eyes closed. When he opened them again, the smoke was gone and he seemed a hair calmer. I took a cautious step back.

"Michael... you know I'm the jealous type," Luci said simply. Michael nodded.

"That's why I'm not hiding it from you. You and I both know it was something that was never possible from the start. You can live with humans and love them and play because you're you. With me, it's different. You're basically a civilian while I'm a soldier. I have rules to follow, and I'll follow them. You don't have to worry. It was just something I wanted to get off of my chest," Michael explained. Luci took a step forward. I stepped in front of him and placed my hands on his chest.

"Let's just let it go, hm?" I said quickly. Luci tore his eyes away from Michael to stare down at me. He sighed before closing his eyes briefly.

"It's times like this where it frustrates me even more that I can't read you," he muttered to himself.

"You should be the one training Megan anyway. I understand you love your daughter, but even since we got back from the hospital, you've completely disregarded Megan," Michael said as he stood. I felt Luci's muscles tense under my hands. Luci's glance turned to glare at Michael.

"What would you know?" Luci snapped at him. My hands slid off of Luci's chest as my gaze turned to my feet. I took a deep breath before taking a step back.

"He's actually right about that Luci," I agreed quietly. I knew he would hear me anyway. I didn't dare to look at him. Luci's hands held my shoulders gently, making me look at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed and prepared myself to just let it all out.

"I don't know exactly what I expected before going into labor, but this wasn't it. I expected me to be the one doting and fawning over Millie all the time, but it's the total opposite of that. I love the fact that you love our daughter, but you've been completely ignoring me and keeping me away from Millie at the same time. I feel like I haven't gotten a proper chance to actually be her mother because you do it all. On top of that, I'm having a hard time adjusting to being... this, and I feel like you don't even care. You're so focused on Millie. We haven't even started planning our wedding. I feel like I'm just a baby maker," I let out in a rush. Luci sighed before putting his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry, Megan. I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I guess I just got excited about being a dad, and the other stuff seemed insignificant. I know you're trying hard to learn about yourself all over again, and I shouldn't have brushed it off as nothing. I'm sorry," he apologized. I felt twin tears leak from my eyes. My hormones must've still been out of sync. Luci brushed my tears away before pulling me into a hug.

"I'll be more mindful and do better from now on. I'm sorry," he repeated. I closed my eyes tightly as I buried my head into his chest. When I pulled away, I felt calmer.

"Why don't we hire a wedding planner to start with?" Luci suggested. I nodded as a small smile made its way to my face.

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