Nara Shikadai x Uchiha Sayaki V

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Oct 10th, Uchiha household, evening...

A figure was tossing around on her bed as her eyes fluttered open; reveal the black diamond like onyx orbs. She sits up and stretched her sore limbs before swing one of her leg down to the floor, follow by the other one.

"...still kinda tired..." She mumbled as she started to head out the bedroom after brush through her hair few times. The door opened and then...

'BAM! BAM! BAM!' Sound of party bomber was released was heard by her as she looks at the culprit in death glare; only found out that it's her older sister, Sarada, "...Sarada-nee, what are you doing?"

Sarada who looks at her sister's confused expression could only sighs before she pulled onto her hand, leading her to the dining table, "You'll see it when you arrive the dining table, Sayaki~"

Sayaki looks at Sarada in weird but still let her do as she like. As they arrive at the dining table, Sayaki was surprised to see the feast and a huge strawberry whipped cream cake at the middle of the entire feast, "What---"

"Tanjobi omedeto, atashi ga ichiban aisareta imouto~" Sarada said as she engulfed the younger Uchiha into a bear hug; cause Sayaki to smile brightly at her antics, "Oho? I made you smile."

"Indeed, arigatou." She then notice the absence of their parents, "I know that papa is still at mission but where's mama?" Sarada just smile at her question which make Sayaki raised her eyebrow up in confused, "...what?"

"Just wait for another 2-3 minutes, they're supposed to arrive-" 'Ding~dong~' Sarada heard the doorbell sound and head to open it, reveal the genin teams and also some of the parents, "Welcome~ please come in."

Sound of people walking into the house attracted Sayaki's attention as she went toward the living room, only being 'sneak attacked' by Shikadai's kiss on her cheek, "S-Shikadai, what are you--!"

Shikadai didn't give the Uchiha heiress time to speak as he shut the girl up with intense kiss, which unfortunately was stopped by Temari and Sarada, "SHIKADAI! /SHANNAROU!"

After Shikadai being pry away from Sayaki by Inojin and Iwabe, Sayaki could only chuckled at Shikadai's disappointed face, but not too long afterward, she was engulfed into another bear hug by the kunoichi group which consists of Ino, Karui, Karin, Tenten, Hanabi, Hinata, Cho-cho, Chizumi and even Tsunade herself.

"TANJOBI OMEDETO!" The loud sound of congrats bring another bright smile onto her usual poker face as she thanks them. Sarada clapped her hand twice as she attracted the attention of everyone who was busying themselves on congratulating Sayaki, "Minna-san, let's get Sayaki's birthday party on!"


++++++++++++++++++++++++Timeskip after the party started for a while+++++++++++++++++++++

Inside the bedroom, Shikadai was indulging himself in playing with Sayaki's soft hair as the girl was opening the presents she got earlier with only Shikadai's accompany, "Na, Sayaki."

"Hn?" Sayaki stopped her hand and look over her shoulder, where her eyes met with Shikadai's, "What's wrong, Shikadai?" However she received no answer from the male who was still immersed in playing her hair, "Shikadai?"

"Are you...disappointed that Sakura-baachan or Sasuke-jisan didn't manage to celebrate your birthday with you?" This question make Sayaki stiffened for a sec which didn't go unnoticed by the taller male, " did."

"Well...can't said I don't but," Sayaki snuggled up to Shikadai's chest as the male wrapped his arms securely around Sayaki's waist, kissing her head, "Since you all are here for me, that's my greatest joy already."

Shikadai could only chuckle before he cupped Sayaki's face and place a kiss on her forehead, "You've been quite easy to be satisfy lately, aren't you?"

"I learned that greed wouldn't bring you happiness, only disaster."

"Where did you learn that?" Sayaki poked Shikadai's forehead as she smile, "That topic, I'll tell you again next time."

"Hai~hai~mendokuse onna dana~" Shikadai sighs extravagantly as Sayaki only chuckle at his antics.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++Another Timeskip after the party is over~+++++++++++++++++++++

After Sarada sees the last guest off, she started to clean up the house as she insisted Sayaki to go bed early since she got early start tomorrow, "Let's do it."

She doesn't know for how long the time had passed but as she was wrapping the last bag of garbage, sound of doorbell rang again, "Who could it be?" She went toward the door and opened, which revealed her mother, Sakura.

"Gomen for being so~late, did the party over?" Sarada nods and Sakura sighs as she went inside and starts to take off her shoe before she collapsed on the sofa, "Souka...I bet she'll hate me now, what should I do..."

Sarada who looks at her mother's gloomy state chuckle lightly before tapping her shoulder to get her attention, "Today haven't end yet, how' bout just congratulating her?"

Sakura smiled and sit up as she heaved a sighs, "Indeed, gomen Sarada, for leaving you to clean alone. I'll help you later on after I said—"

"No need for that since I almost done the cleaning, beside," Sarada pointed at the teddy bear that was behind Sakura, "Papa got her present as well, right? I bet she'll be happy to see that now."

"Haha, though she's already Chuunin at that young age." Sakura laughs lightly before head toward the bedroom, leaving Sarada who was smiling looking at her mother caution step, "She could just walk in normally though, but doesn't matter now. Let's get continue to cleaning~"

On the other side, Sakura walked inside the room and was greeted by Sayaki who was sound asleep at her bed. A soft smile was on her face as she sit beside the bed and lean near to give a kiss on Sayaki's temple, which she hoped wouldn't wake the tired girl up and it did.

"Gomenna, Sayaki, for being so late to celebrate your birthday, these are from me and your father," Sakura said softly before she put the teddy bear and an eagle plushie beside Sayaki's bed that's already full with all sort of soft plushie that Sayaki collected, "Tanjobi omedeto, oyasuminasai."

She stand up, pull the blanket to ensure Sayaki was covered nicely before she head out of the bedroom, unaware that Sayaki actually awake from the second she kissed her head.

Sayaki turn toward the other side of her bed and reach her hand to touch the presents she just got from her parents as a small smile was on her face, she hugged the two tight as she murmur thanks before drifted back to dreamland.


A/N: *party bomber bombard* Tanjobi omedeto toma oc, Uchiha Sayaki!!! So yeah, I made a special birthday scenario for her~and as for Rin and Shun, hehe, when do you think they birthday are? Fufufufu~Himitsu desu~ well then, guess if you want to know, you'll have to wait for thenext~special birthday scenarios then~ that's all for this time, jaana! *weave ahandsign and disappeared*

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