Mizutsuki Shun x Uzumaki Himawari

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At the Konoha's Senju Park's playground, 7 years old Mizurin was playing at the sandbox with her cousin, Shikadai. At the same time, Shun and Shinki was just sitting side by side at the bench with their mother, Yume who was chatting off with Temari.

Not long after that, Hinata come near the two ladies with Himawari and Boruto holding each of her hands, "Konichiwa, Temari-san, and Yume-san."

"Oh? Konichiwa, Hinata." Yume reply as Temari just smile toward the dark blue hair woman, "Bringing Boruto and Himawari to play at the park today?"

"Hn, since the kids kept on staying at home only." Hinata let go of the kids' hands and let them to join Shikadai and the others at the sandbox, except for Himawari, "Himawari? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Himawari let go of Hinata's hands and to everyone's surprise, she went near the redhead male with a bright smile, "Aren't you gonna play along?"

"Well...not really." Shun answer as he exchange eyes contact with Himawari, "...you should just enjoy yourself at the sandbox."

"But if there's someone who aren't as enjoy as I do, it doesn't mean anything," Himawari pouted and held her hand toward Shun; "Let's play together, can we?"

"I-" Before Shun can answer, Yume had answer on his behalf, "Of course, Himawari-chan~ feel free to 'drag' Shun along~"


Himawari nods with an eyes closed smile before she hold onto Shun's hand and start to pull him toward the sandbox, all the while with Shun just sighs silently before take the initiative to take Himawari to play.

"Yume, what are you planning?" Temari asks and Yume just smiled, "Doesn't it cute to see Shun can't resist Himawari?"

"Indeed, usually if someone forces Shun to do something he doesn't want to, he will immediately walk off or use his sand to put up a barrier between him and that person." Temari looks toward where Shun and Himawari was playing at the swings together with Shun pushing Himawari who was riding the swing, not to mention the rare smile she saw at Shun's face, "...and he even smile."

Hinata sit beside Yume and just smile, "I guess, Himawari had something that can affect Shun-kun in a positive way, just like Naruto-kun."

"Like father, like daughter, ne~"


Few years later, Shun and his team was walking at the Konoha streets as Mizurin humming random song and Yukata joined along but then...

"Shun!" A cheery voice was heard and Shun turn his back before come face to face with Himawari who was on shopping with Hinata, "Sashiburi, when did you come to Konoha?"

"Sashiburi, Hima, not too long ago, on shopping with Hinata-san?"

"Hn!" Himawari smiled and Shun smiled as well as he reaches his hand out to ruffle Himawari's hair while complementing her, "As usual, you really did a great job at helping your mother."


"Shun-nii, we should hurry up and meet up with Shinki and the others soon~" Mizurin said and Shun nods his head toward Mizurin's direction before bid his goodbye with Himawari, "Well then, I'll see you around next time."

"Okay..." Himawari pouted and Shun just chuckled at the younger girl's reaction, "Which will be tonight, we'll be heading to your house for your birthday celebration."

"Hontou-nii?" Himawari asks in surprises and Shun nods, "Then I'll wait for you! Jaana, Shun!"

"Hn." After make sure that Himawari safely run back toward where Hinata was, Shun walk back toward his team, noticing the smug expression on their face, "...What?"

"I didn't know Shun-nii had a thing on Himawari-chan~" Mizurin teased and this caused the redhead male blush faintly before walk off, "Shun-nii~since when did you like Himawari-chan?"

"None of your business."

"Eh~ that's cruel~ isn't it, Yuka-chan~?"

"Indeed, it's kinda cruel, Shun-sama."

Shun sighed, "Not even you, Yukata."

The two girls just laughed at Shun's reaction before they start to run off, leaving Shun behind to trail after them.

Shun could only sigh but when he think of Himawari, a smile made it way on his face as he mumble, "Well...it's not that bad to have someone to smile for..." before he look up toward the sunlight with his hand cover his hand, "Especially a girl that is like a sunflower."


"I'm coming."


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