Nara Shikadai x Uchiha Sayaki VI

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The sight of the stretched shadows shrieked back was seen by Shikadai as the raven haired male clicks his tongue in irritated, "Damnit..."

"Somehow Shikadai looks oddly annoyed today..." Chocho said as she opened a potato chips bag and start to eat away while Inojin looks toward his best friend in concern, "hmmm...probably we should call that person over."

"That person? You don't mean..." Inojin nods and take out his scroll as he proceeds to draw something on it, "Since that person is the only one that can calm Shikadai down effectively lately."

Chocho sighs, "Though it's true...but fine anyway, because if Shikadai continue on emitting his dark aura, I doubt I can sleep well tonight."

On the other side, somewhere near the field Team 10 used for training, 3 figure was walking as one of them kept on yawning, "Chotto, Ren-kun, if you kept yawning like a golden fish, did you know that you wouldn't get popular~"

" I care about that shit..." Sound of someone's head being hit was heard, "Ittai! What was that for, Chizumi?!"

"Don't talks in such a vulgar way, geez, you really never changed since we're both kids, aren't you?"

"Just care for yourself, Forever-0-Chizumi-Obaasan!"



As the two kept on bickering with each other at the back, a rather petite figure noticed the bird that was flying above them, "...that is..." She immediately throw a scroll on the ground to let it spread open before the bird flew straight into the scroll and formed words, "...I see."

She picked the scroll up and put it inside her waist pouch before she jumped away, leaving her teammate behind who just notice her absence after a few second, "Where did Sayaki-hanchou/Sayakichii gone to?"

Back to Team 10, the team atmosphere was in a dead tense stage that even Moegi don't know what to do anymore about Shikadai who kept on emitting dark aura whether by accident or intentionally, 'I just hope saviour arrive soon...'

As she done praying, Sayaki had arrived and was shocked with the atmosphere she felt, "...What is this?"

"SAYAKI-SAMA!" Moegi, Inojin and Chocho immediately bear hugged her as she tried hard to pry them off of her, "PLEASE SAVE US FROM THAT DEMON'S DARK AURA!"

'Demon?' She looks toward where Shikadai is and finally realized what did they mean, she nods and walked near the Nara before called out toward him, "Shikadai?"

"Huh? Sayaki?" Shikadai turned around to face the person who dares to disturb him with a death glare but immediately shocked when he saw the younger girl, "Why are you here?"

"They're being scared by your scary aura that they have to call me over." Sayaki said as she pointed toward where Moegi and the others are, "What's happening?"

"...nothing much..." Shikadai said gloomily and Sayaki sighs quietly before she give a small smile, "It doesn't seem that way for me, mind to tell me about it?" Shikadai looks at the girl's onyx eyes before he sighs extravagantly and pulled on her wrist, "Come with me."

Don't know for how long have they move but when Sayaki noticed that they were in a secluded place, she was confused, "Shikadai, what are we-!" Before Sayaki can finish her word, her lips had been captured in a fierce kiss by Shikadai who pinned her on the nearby tree.

"Wh-Um!" She was released for few second but was kissed by the male again but this time with his tongue wandering inside her mouth, causing few moans to slip out from Sayaki.

After Shikadai was satisfied, he finally let go of his girlfriend who was panting and blushing hard while gripped on his shoulder tightly to support her weakened legs, "What...was that for?"

Shikadai hugged the Uchiha tight as he switched their position before he sit against the tree, letting Sayaki to catch her breath, "...I was jealous..."

"H-Huh?" Sayaki was confused now, when did she ever did something that make Shikadai jealous of? She always makes sure she wouldn't do anything that would betray him, "Why?"

"I saw you and Ren was flirting with each other on the other were smiling so beautifully and he was blushing...I...I can't stand the idea you let your smile being seen by the others...gomen."

'The other day?' A hit of realization hit Sayaki before she broke into a fit of cute laughter, causing the Nara to confuse at her antic, "Sayaki?"

"Gomen but it's so funny since we were only talking about his crush on Chizumi on the other day, I've never thought that you would felt jealous for that." Shikadai who heard the truth blush in embarrassment as he mumbled, " I look like an idiot..."

"No, you're not," Sayaki hugged the male tighter as she said, "In fact it makes me kinda giddy inside." Shikadai looks down at Sayaki's smile and he just chuckled, "Well, he's not a competition for me anyway when it comes on grabbing your heart though."

"Hai, hai, now are you feeling better?" Shikadai thinks for few moment before he flashed a smile toward the girl that caused Sayaki's heart to go 'ba-dump' for a moment, "Not yet, let me hug you till I'm satisfied."

"...alright then."


A/N: Well then, here is it since my hands felt itching to write a tons of new ff every time, haha xD [which also remind me of tons of my unfinished ff that I've thrown away at the recycle bin lol ^^;] hope you will enjoy this story and comment on how I do this time~ Jaana! *weavesign and disappears*

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