Fourth Life prt:4

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It was naruto's match now, and he was up against Choji. I had no doubt Naruto would win, I just wanted to see how he would end up pulling through.

It began with both charging forward using their signature moves, the expansion justsu and the shadow clone jutsu respectively. Choji began rolling through the swarms of naruto's, quickly lowering their numbers. Naruto, realizing that he needed a new tactic, made more shadow clones, and moved them all along the perimeter of the arena.

Choji could no longer continue bouldering through the swarms, lest he ram into the walls far to many times.

As he was caught up in the middle, the narutos surrounding him began hurling a swarm kunai and shuriken at the Akamichi.

He enlarged his hands and began swatting away at the projectiles thrown at him, but I knew he wouldn't be able to keep that up. Instead of continuing, he charged that the nearest clones, once again slicing through their numbers with quick swipes of his enlarged hands.

Naruto took this opportunity to flank choji, knocking him to the ground, and many more clones joining him and dog piling the Akamichi. It was ineffective at best, Choji easily pushing through the many clones, not seeing the explosive tags on them until it was too late.

He was blown right into one of the walls, causing a huge hole. He fell to the ground unconsious, granting naruto the win.

An interesting fight for sure, but one that's winner was obvious.

"So, so, how was I Bās?!" Naruto asked me excitedly after returning.

I not turning towards him, giving him a simple, "you did good" before turning back towards the arena.

He didnt seem to care about my lack of emotion, and instead his eyes shined happily as he went to talk to someone else.

Now, it was time to see who was next.

"Hinata Hyūga and Neji Hyūga, please come down to the arena."

Well, it's not like I can do anything about this

I watch as both Hyūga's head down to arena, Hinata's teammates giving smug smirks to her as Neji does the same.

Good lord, her self esteem is even lower then it was in cannon. This is going to be a complete beatdown

I dont even bother watching, choosing instead to look at all the people who could be my opponent.

Theres Gaara and Rock Lee. Against either of them I dont stand a chance, and I dont feel like wasting lives on this.

Theres Jades entire team, and I think I could take all of them. Me and jade would probably just flip a coin to deside who wins

Then theres Dosu, Tenten, and Hinata's teammates, all would be fairly easy, the Hyūga's seem pretty generic, and likely rely on their byakūgan way too much. Tenten would he simple, there would be plenty of ways to counter her weapons. I feel as though Dosu would be the greatest challenge of the four, though it would still be possible.

"Gaara *cough* wins." The Procter announces, breaking me from my thoughts. It seems I went right through both Hinatas and Gaara's matches. It's a shame to, the gaara and Rock Lee fight is quite fun to watch.

Looking at the aftermath of their battle, it seems Gaara heeded my note, as Lee layed infront of the giant statue unconsious. From what I could see, gaara attacked him as he only had one of his weights on, while pushing him off the statue, falling straight onto his head. It seemed he had been unable to correct his fall to do the unbalance of having only one of the super heavy weights. Despite what anime would like you to believe, outside of chakra, something Lee doesn't have mind you, a fall from that height onto your head will surely knock you out at the very least, and give you a severe concussion at worst. Either way, there was no getting back up from that.

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