Turning Points

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"Mrs. Fondane, I know that it is very unlikely that I will become known...Yes I know...Mmm Hmm... I understand tha-... Can you at least give me a chance? I will do whatever it takes... Yes, I know everyone says that, but I am not everyone, I am Casady... I know, sorry... So you'll give it a look?... Okay, thank you so much for this opportunity!...I understand... Bye."

Casady flips the phone shut and jumps for joy. Actually jumps. The shy girl that has a hard time talking, that always sits in the back of the class, jumps for joy! Well, that is certainly different. As if also noticing this, She looks around in embarrassment, and runs to the library, her escape.

She takes the seat that everyone skips, the one that no one sees. It's behind a few rows of books, on the side, at the end of an isle. She takes her seat next to her favorite book's by her favorite author's. The only other person that knows this is where she will be is Beverly. She decides to text Beverly to meet there.

Within minutes Beverly rushes over to where Casady is sitting.

"Hey" Casady says excitedly.

"Hey, what's up?" Beverly asks curiously.

"Well, I was talking to one of the publishers that I emailed,"


"Well, she said that I might have a shot at getting published! She said that she loved the excerpt that I sent in, and that she would like me to send her the entire book. I can't believe that I might have a chance like this!"

"Is it legit?"

"Well, of course it is, it's scholastics!"

"What?!" Beverly practically screams, making everyone in the library 'Shush' her.

"I told you that this was an incredible chance!"

"Yeah, but, scholastics?"

"I know. You can't tell anyone though. Not a sole."

"How come?"

"Well, my parent's won't let me, and everyone else can't know. I'm not ready to come out of my shell"

"Well, that's what being famous is all about."

"I know but still, hey did I ever even tell you what it's about?"

"Now that I think about it, no you didn't. So tell me Miss. famous Casady, what is it about?"

"Well, I guess you will have to wait and see." She says lagging a smirk onto her face.

"Come on Casady! you have to tell me, I'm your best friend!"

"Fine! The book is about someone who lives, someone who is not like myself. It's about a girl who stands up for herself and what is right."

"Hmm... sounds interesting. I think I might have to read this book."

"You better!"

After Casady finish's her sentence they start laughing hysterically. Which is why the librarian makes them go outside. Which happens to be perfect timing cause third period is about to begin. They both make their way to their classes.

Casady's mind is anywhere but her calculus class. It was on Mrs. Fondane and her family. She had promised her sister that she would check out different apartments and talk with the police. That was going to be interesting!

Her thoughts began to consume her and before she knew it, it was already lunch time. She walked over to Beverly's and her spot.

"I...Uh...Need to go to the computer lab."

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