Falling Toward Nowhere

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'There comes a time, a terrible time in ones life, where one has no idea whos life it truly is. When windows come down and walls come up. When insane is the new sane. Your newfound power is like this. Life changes, you grow, people leave, others come. Stay sane, don't let the new sane trick you. When your life is falling to pieces, stay calm. With every storm comes a calm, with every rainstorm comes a rainbow. When your falling, you will know what to do. Sighning off, X.'
Page 6 of The Ledgend of a Twisted Knight


Casady has no idea what to do, niether does Beverly. All they can do is stare at eachother in complete horror. Within minutes, they are going to be pancakes if they don't do anything. The wind passing them as they fall is extreamly loud, and fills both of their ears until that is the only sound that they can hear.

"Casady!" Beverly screams as loud as humanly possible.

"What?" Casady screams back after taking a few seconds to understand what Beverly had said.

"Use your powers!"


"I don't know!"

"What if we die?"

"I don't think we are going to."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Well, why would the book kill us? Plus, we have you!"

"Okay, I will try!"

Casady has absolutely no idea what to do. She could try to get them out of ther and somewhere safe, like she did with the blocks in the book. The hard part for her now is that she has no idea what the ground here looks like. She doesn't even know where she is. The more she thinks, the closer she gets to the ground. That's when Casady forms a plan. It is risky, but then, what isn't?

Casady and Beverly fly closer and closer to the ground with each passing minute. Casady closes her eyes and focuss' on every detail of Beverly, and herself.

"Casady!" Beverly screams, interrupting Casady from her thought.

When Casady opens her eyes, she is greated with the ground visible and fast aproaching. Within seconds, they will be a splat of nothing recognizable. This is just what Casady needed! She focuss' on the ground and sees both Beverly and herself there, on the ground.

Just as Beverly and Casady are going to make harsh contact with the valley of grass, they disapear. When they reapear, a few seconds late, they are standing on top of the grass. However, only Beverly is standing, Casady is laying on the ground uncouncious.

"Hello Beverly." Someone says from behind Beverly. Beverly has no idea who this person is but can tell that he isn't a good person. His voice has something about it, as if it is almost...familliar.

As Beverly turns around, she is taken aback,"Thomas? What are you doing here?"

"Didn't expect to see me, did you?" He asks with a devilish look comming over him.

"Why-" She is cut off by Thomas.

"Ah-ah-ah," He says waving a finger."You thought I was clueless! Just a history project? Ha! Look where that has got you. I have to say, I am impressed, Casady's ability has improved. She is learning her powers quicker than I imagined.

"I thought, I don't, why?' Beverly can barely finish a sentance.

"Did you really think that I learned Russian for fun? I knew one day that I would come in contact with the book. I knew that you were going to be the keeper and that Casady would one day have an unnatural talent of the mind. I have awaited this day all my life, and now it has finally araived! With Casady passed out, all I have to do is get rid of you, then my mission is complete. Then, Casady's mind will take control of her and she will be lost forever, she will be a weapon of mass destruction. I had no idea that it was going to be this easy! It is all because of you Beverly, some keeper you are!"

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