The True Power

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The True Power

'The power of the mind, as I'm sure you have already been told, has an endless supply of power. The thing to fear with this power is that it has the capability of over taking you. It is a gift, but it is a twisted one. The Twisted Gift is what you have received. Whether you remain in control or not is up to you and you keeper. Beware, though, that there is a few other family lines who know of this gift. They also know that it is you, Casady, and your keeper, Beverly. You must must avoid them at all cost. Also, when you feel weak, your mind is strong. Don't be weak, it is allowing your mind to win and take control of you. When you turn weak, Casady, turn to Beverly for help. Beverly, if you get weak, turn to Casady. You are both good friends, but now you need to be more than that.
-Signing off, X.'
-Page 7 of The Ledgend of a Dark and Twisted Knight


"Well, at least page seven is in english!" Casady sighs with relief.

"Yep, now we don't have to go through another Thomas. Speaking of Thomas, where do you think he went?"

"I have no idea. At least he is not here."

"True, so this page" Beverly says pointing to the page that is open.

"So far I have recieved a lot of warnings about loosing control of my mind. Everyone keeps saying that my mind can take control of me."

"We saw that first hand already."


"Yesterday, when you told your dad to never speak again."

"That's true. So, does your book say anything about it?"

"Let me check."

The previous night, after they walked in on Casady's parrents signing divorce papers, Casady went into a freefall. She couldn't keep herself together. Both of them eventually fell asleep on the floor of Casady's room. Niether of them had changed their cloths before falling asleep.

By the time they had woken up, school had already started, so they just decided to focuss on Casady's mind. It was the only way that Casady can keep her cool, and not loose it again like last night. Her entire life is getting thrown in the air and landing everywhere she doesn't want it to.

Now, Casady is sitting Indian style, next to Beverly. They have all three of their books open and papers everywhere. As Beverly is reading through her book, Casady's book starts to vibrate. Casady opens the old book to the mirror. However, this time, it is different. They don't get transported somehwere, this time, there is someone looking straight at her.

"Casady?" The man on the mirror says.

"Who are you?"

"Who is who?" Beverly asks, confused. Then she realizes that Casady is talking to the book, so she scoots herself over next to Casady.

"My name is Damond."

"So you name is Damond, but who are you?"

"Okay, I, like you, have unlocked an unnatural power."

"Which is?"

"Which is the power of the the mind."

"Okay, and how do you know who I am?"

"Can we please just skip this? I need to talk to you and Beverly. It's of upmost importance."

"Fine, fine. What do you need to talk to us about?"

"First, do you know a Thomas?"

"Yes, he tried to kill us."

"And did you kill him?"

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