Chapter One: The First Meeting

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That day in his trailer is the moment that you finally admit to yourself that you have feelings for Taron Egerton. If you're being honest, you know you've had them pretty much all along. You just didn't want to believe it. He's a rising movie star after all. When this film is done, he will be out of your life forever, right?

You know you should probably leave his trailer, but you feel rooted to this place for some reason. Not able to bring yourself to leave just yet, you go back to the couch, sit down and rest your head against the back of it. You close your eyes and let your mind wander to the first time you ever saw Taron Egerton.

Three months earlier:

You had only just graduated from Cosmetology school in LA. You didn't even have a job lined up when your best friend Lisa suggested you take a spur-of-the-moment backpacking trip to Europe after graduation. Could she be more cliche? You had never done anything spur-of-the-moment in your life. Unless you count dropping out of UCLA after three years to register for Cosmetology school three weeks before the start date. All you knew was that hair and make-up design was a passion of yours and had been since you were thirteen. Your parents wanted you to go to UCLA because it was a "real school" and you could then get a "real job". But what was the fun in that? Someone once told you that if you do what you love, then you never work a day in your life. Or something like that. But it stuck, and you couldn't shake the feeling that if you didn't try, you'd always wonder. So you tried, you loved every minute of it, and you decided you'd figure out the rest later.

So there you were, looking online for possible make-up artistry jobs, when Lisa burst through your door exclaiming that she'd just had the bright idea to go to Europe before you both had to settle into your careers. You had looked at her like she had lobsters crawling out of her ears, but two weeks later, she had you convinced.

Now that you're here in Europe, you can't believe you ever questioned coming. You've already visited Spain, Rome and Paris and your last stop is London. You and Lisa love how you can travel so easily by train in this part of the world. Luckily, you don't need to worry too much about money since Lisa is the product of a very handsome inheritance. You've had the privilege of staying at some pretty swanky places along your stops, not bad for a couple of 24 year olds traveling through some of the most phenomenal places you've ever seen.

But London is different. It isn't at all what you'd expected, although you aren't even sure what you had expected. It has such an other-worldly feel to it, and you and Lisa decide to switch things up and stay at an old Bed and Breakfast you happen to stumble across in a little town called Berkshire. It's quaint and cozy and in desperate need of a new paint job. But it smells nice and the decor makes you feel like you've just stepped into a Jane Austen novel. Your first morning here, Lisa decides to sleep in having been traveling non-stop for almost two weeks, but you are too famished to sleep. So you get dressed, and make your way downstairs to breakfast with the other guests. There are actually only three other people staying here. An older couple traveling through Europe much the way you and Lisa are, and a young film student by the name of Colin. The owner of the B&B, an elderly woman named Julia, filled you both in about your fellow roomies the previous night as you were checking in. The name of the couple however escapes you at the moment. Colin and the couple are already engrossed in conversation and you feel a little sheepish walking in apparently late for breakfast. All three heads swivel up to face you as you enter the room. "Good morning", you squeak out softly. All of them smile politely at you and say good morning back in unison as you take a seat in an empty chair. Almost immediately, Julia comes bustling in with a plate filled with sausages, eggs and dry toast. And coffee, thank the lord. Your eyes widen greedily as you thank her and start to dig in to your breakfast.

"So," Colin says breaking the silence that has descended upon your arrival. "You're the American", he says pointedly with a crooked smile. You are still amazed after two weeks that that's basically what you are defined as in the eyes of everyone here.

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