Chapter Two: A New Job

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You enter the trailer and see three people hovered around a table with hundreds of bottles of make-up, lipstick tubes, shadows, blushes, and all sorts of other types of cosmetic paraphernalia. It's basically a make-up artist's dream. No one seems to notice your presence so you clear your throat to announce yourself. A pretty woman with shoulder-length brown hair that looks to be in her late 40's or early 50's looks over at you but says nothing.

"Hello," you say nervously. You introduce yourself and tell her that you're here for the make-up artist interview.

"Ah, come, come." She says as she waves you over to where the three people are standing all now staring at you. "I'm Lizzie, this is Bruce and Olivia my assistants." They give you a curt nod, then leave to busy themselves with other tasks. "Your name? Do you have a portfolio I can see?" She asks and your heart stills.

You tell her your name then apologize, "Um, no, sorry. I wasn't expecting to have this interview. I'm on vacation from America." You notice the slight disappointment flash across her face. "But, I do have some pictures of my work on my phone", you say excitedly as your pull the device out. You open up the camera and find the pictures of the work you've done over the past year on fellow students, and even some actors you worked on at the local film school and community theaters. She pulls readers off her head where they are perched and places them on her face, takes your phone out of your hands and begins flipping through the 15-20 pictures. She doesn't say anything right away so you just watch her expression intently.

Finally she says, "Very nice. But you've never worked on an actual film?" She says looking at you over the top of her glasses.

"No m'am. But I'm a fast learner and am always up for a challenge", you say in your best interview voice.

"Hmm," is all she says. She hands you back your phone and then rattles off a lot of information regarding filming schedules, anticipated hours, the basic and not so basic duties and that they are desperately needing a few more artists. She explains that there are a handful of lead actors and several extras which is who you would primarily be working on. You are fine with this as you're not sure you would want to be responsible for the leads on your first major job. After she is done giving you way more information than you really needed or wanted to know, she sighs. "Well, I really need to see your work first hand if I'm to make a decision." You are nodding your head not really knowing what to say to this, when all of the sudden the man in the orange jumpsuit comes bursting through the door again. Wow, he really knows how to make an entrance. He glances around the room, then heads toward a clothing rack where he removes his jacket and hangs it on a hanger. You feel like you're in a trance staring at him, but he has a very commanding presence. "Back so soon? How did the fitting go?" Lizzie directs her question at the young man.

"Good", he responds heading in your direction. "Dex wants to go a little older on the make-up though for some test shots", he says looking at her. He has yet to look at you although you think he must feel your eyes on him.

"Well, perfect timing", Lizzie says as she swivels her head back to you. "This is Mr. Egerton, make him look older, yes? Use anything you need, I'll be back in 30 minutes." With that she moves swiftly away, murmurs something to Olivia and Bruce, and all three exit the trailer leaving you alone with him. You watch them go, then snap your head back to him. He's finally looking at you now you with an expectant look on his face, eyebrows raised.

"Well, ok...I guess we're doing this", you say more to yourself than to him. "Have a seat...Mr. Egerton, is it?"

"Well, Mr. Egerton is my dad. Call me Taron". He says as he sits in the chair beside you. He stretches out long legs in front of him and crosses his hands in his lap.

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