Chapter 2

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"Wanna go to the bar?" Nat asked Benji, Milo, and I.

We all agreed and the boys left so we could all get out of our lounging around clothes. I grabbed a pair of jean shorts and put on Milo's shirt he gave me a few days ago. And mind you the days since have been hell. Benji and Nat have been all over each other, but they sadly didn't give me a reason to go sleep in Milo's room. It was a disappointment, to say the least. I kind of missed cuddling with him, oddly enough.

"Jayden!" Nat grabbed my attention.


"Put on your shoes, we're leaving."

I slipped on my black old skool vans which matched Milo's shirt and grabbed my keychain that held my wallet and my phone before we left. When we walked out, Nat and Benji joined hands and started walking without us.

"You look great in my shirt," Milo whispered in my ear.

I smiled at the compliment and complimented him back. "You look great in your shirt too."

Milo smiled back at me and placed his arm over my shoulder. We got to his car and the happy couple sat in the back while we took the front seats. Milo and I didn't plan on drinking too much, enough for a buzz that would fade before we left and wouldn't leave a hangover.


The drive from campus to the bar was quick. We got a booth and ordered drinks.

Nat and Benji wanted to get shots, but Milo and I refused, so they got some for themselves.

"We'll get two whiskey's and an order of fries please," Milo said my order for me, knowing I hated ordering at bars.

"Thank you," I whispered in his ear.

He replied back, "you're welcome," and slung his arm back over my shoulder. I allowed myself to lean into his side a little bit so that we were closer and waited for our orders to come.


"Four shots of tequila," the waiter said, placing them in front of Benji and Nat, "and two whiskeys with an order of fries." He placed the fries between Milo and me and put a whiskey in front of each of us.

We all thanked the waiter and Nat and Benji immediately downed their shots. I sipped on my whiskey as I watched them and snacked on fries.


After a bit of watching Benji and Nat get drunk off their asses, I asked Milo to order me another drink.

"Excuse me," Milo said politely.

"Yes, sir?" A waitress asked.

"Could we get two gin and tonics, please?" He asked keeping a light and polite tone.

She smiled and nodded, obviously falling for his charm. "It'll be right up."

"Thank you," He told her before she gave them the order at the bar. She came back with the drinks, placing them both in front of Milo. He smiled and thanked her again. He handed me my drink and I thanked him before taking a sip.

That was when the waitress noticed me. I guess we did look couply, but to be fair even before we were friends with benefits we acted like that. Her facial expression changed for a second before she smiled again.

She hastily said, "Have a great night." And rushed off.

"That was odd," I mumbled.

"She thinks we're dating!" He teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and shifted closer to him.


I bet you were wondering, why didn't they go clubbing as other 21/22-year-olds would?

(Me and Nat are 21 and the boys are 22)

Because clubbing is the worst. People pretend it's fun, picking out a borderline slutty outfit (no offense) wearing uncomfortable shoes, listening to ridiculously loud music and having to deal with the prospect of their drink getting drugged.

That and because Milo beat up a guy who tried to slip something into my drink. So instead we go to a bar where we can eat, listen, to music, and get drunk at the same time.


After about an hour or so, I was basically sober, but my limit of 2 drinks kept me from getting another, so I excused myself to the restroom before we dragged Nat and Benji back. They ended up doing who knew what, and Milo and I cuddled, to this day I still don't understand why we didn't have sex, who knows.


"Here." Milo handed me one of his clean pairs of boxers and my bra. I put them on before taking one of his shirts too. He put on a pair of boxers too and pulled me back on top of him.

I rested my head on his chest and wrapped an arm around him. He had both arms wrapped around me too.

"Goodnight princess," He said softly.

"Goodnight Milo," I mumbled into his chest before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.


I woke up to the door being slammed open, which scared the shit out of me. I refused to open my eyes knowing that Milo, who was currently rubbing circles on my back would stop when he noticed I'm awake.

"How did she sleep through that?" Benji asked.

Milo replied knowingly, "She didn't. She just doesn't want to get up."

I mumbled something even I didn't understand and stretched my arms above my head. My hands reached Milo's face and I gave it a squeeze before wrapping my arms around him again.

"Come on," Milo said, pulling me into a sitting position, "we have things to attend to at the apartment."

"Give me ten minutes, some breakfast, and a black coffee and I'll be ready to go." I sighed, rubbing my eyes gently. Milo stood up and stretched, which was always fun to watch. His muscles contracted as he stretched and I tried my hardest not to stare.

"Come on, give me your hands." He ordered softly. I quietly obliged and let him pull me up. The one thing I didn't think he would do was fully lift me and walk me to my room before placing me on my bed. I thanked him and watched him leave, closing the door behind him.


"I heard you two were cuddling!" Nat teased me as I got dressed. "You love him!"

I laughed her off and said, "We cuddle too and I'm not in love with you. And you're not hungover?"

"I'm a little hungover but it's nothing." Nat protested. "And, yes, you are!" 

"Only for you baby." I winked at her. "But I'm not in love with anyone. It's been a long time since I was."

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