Chapter 6

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It was almost midnight and Milo and I were cuddling, but right at 11:59, he said, "Happy birthday again princess."

"Thank you, you made it amazing." I replied, then at midnight, I said, "Happy graduation day, Charming."

"So, princess, what are your plans after graduation?"

"Go eat with you guys and drive back home to spend time with my family, what does Milo have planned in his wonderful brain?"

"My wonderful brain doesn't have any." He admitted. I looked up to see if he was telling the truth. "My parents are coming back from a business trip for my graduation, they leave again the next day."

"Oh, I'm glad they could make it though."

"I am too, but it's been like that my entire life, they come back for playoff games and award ceremonies and graduations but other than that, they were gone. I was an only child, I still am, so when they left, I had a nanny or I'd stay at a friends house. I know they love me, and they want the best for me, but they don't always go about it the best way."

I remained silent for a second, just holding him tightly in support.

"What about you?" He asked. "I've known you for years but we've never really talked about your past or your family."

"Well let's see, I have an older sister and a younger brother. And around the time I was 13, my parents told me they were getting a divorce, my brother was 9, so he didn't quite understand and my sister was 15. The divorce was final when I was 14, but my dad left, taking my sister with him a bit before it was final. I didn't let anyone close for two years after that until a girl managed to break down my walls. I fell in love with her, she was my first kiss, first girlfriend, first love. We dated for almost a year, basically my entire junior year, until she cheated on me. She got drunk and hooked up with a guy, then continued to hook up with him. It went on for months before I caught them. I was heartbroken and spent my senior year more depressed than I had ever been my entire life.

"I vowed to never let anyone in, I had a couple one night stands, desperately trying to get over her. Then college started and I met Natalie then you knocked on our door and I slowly let you guys wiggle your way into my heart. I'm still absolutely terrified of falling in love, I don't want to go through that ever again."

Milo's arms around me gripped me even tighter as he peppered my face in kisses trying to lighten the mood. I let out a laugh and he smiled in victory.

"So what I've learned from this is that you're free after we graduate?" I asked.

Milo agreed with me so I proposed. "Come to my graduation party."


"Yeah, Jax would love it, my mom would love it, my family would love you, and you won't be alone."

"Alright, it's a deal, when do we leave?"

"First thing in the morning on the 23rd."

"I'll be ready, goodnight princess."

"Goodnight charming."

Fuck I think I'm falling for him. And if he keeps being so amazing I'll be whipped.

- Milo's P.O.V.

The next morning an alarm blared waking us up. Jayden sat up slowly and squished my face.

"Come on charming, it's time to wake up." She said. I had to fight a smile as I sat up too. Once her hand was in my hair fixing it, the smile won. "I'm gonna be honest, your bedhead is cute I just like playing in your hair because it's so soft."

My smile grew bigger as I decided to tease her, "Are you still drunk because you're acting weird."

"I'm perfectly sober." She smiled back at me, god those dimples and freckles would be the death of me. I watched her as she stood up and stretched, my shirt that she was wearing, gave me a view of her ass which made me hard. She turned around and gave me a wink, causing me to groan.

"I'm gonna go take a cold shower now," I informed her. She laughed when she saw what happened and let me go. I gave her ass a smack before I did.


While I was in the shower I got to thinking. Last night we really got to know every aspect of each other. After being friends with her for four years I knew her pretty well, likes, dislikes, sexuality, favorite color, but I never knew about her past, at least not in that much detail. I could say the same for her, Benji knew about my past, it wasn't that big of a deal, they were all aware but I never went into detail.

I wondered why she chose now to tell me. what happened yesterday when she talked with her mom? It made sense to wonder that considering they went outside for ten minutes last night. Did her mom tell her something? Was it about me? Did her mom like me for her daughter? Did Jayden like me?

Could the girl I've been in love with for three years be falling for me?

"Fuck." I groaned in frustration hitting the wall of the shower.

"Milo?" Her voice could be heard from her room. "Are you ok?"

I understood why she was worried considering the last time something fell she found me bleeding. So, I lied to her, "A bottle fell." 

"Then why did you say fuck?"

"You're very smart princess, you've caught me. I accidentally knocked the bottle over."

I knew she wasn't satisfied with my answer when she sighed and said, "Alright. I'm going to breakfast with my mom, who loves you by the way, and Jax."

"Have fun princess," I said grinning.

"I'll see you later charming."

Her mom likes me!

- Jayden's P.O.V.

"Bye Nat, bye Benji!" I called, leaving the apartment. My mom wanted to have breakfast with me, seeing as my night would be busy. I made my way to the place, deciding to walk. I let my mind wander and found myself thinking about Milo, my heart swelled thinking about how he had decided to open up to me.

I think I like him, pardon the high school like vocabulary.

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