Chapter 20

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Benji and Nat's Wedding

"Jayden, will you be my maid of honor?" Nat asked me, months before the wedding.

"Yes." I sniffled. I pulled my best friend into a hug and said, "I love you so much."

Nat laughed softly. "I can't believe I'm getting married."

"Me neither."


Now I was standing there, waiting to watch my best friend walk down the aisle to greet her future husband. Milo had his hand on Benji's shoulder, whispering encouraging things in his ear. I felt the tears prick my eyes as the music started playing and she slowly walked out. Benji grinned wildly when he saw Nat. She grinned back and stood in front of him. Benji was in awe.

"You look- I can't even describe how beautiful you are." He said.

A tear slid down Nat's face, and Benji wiped it away. He gripped her hands and let the priest do their thing.


Milo sat next to me at the reception and we prepared to give our toasts. Milo stood up and brought me with him, bringing attention to us as he clinked a fork to his glass.

"Hello everyone, I'm Milo, I'm Benji's best man, and this is my girlfriend Jayden, Nat's Maid of Honor." I saw a couple of girls faces drop upon realizing Milo wasn't single, and I tried not to laugh, what could I say, my boy is beautiful. "And we wanted to make our toasts real quick before the first dance. I've been friends with Nat and Benji for five years, and when Benji told me about his feelings for Nat a few years ago, I was so excited. I'd been trying to get him to tell her the entire time-"

"I COULD SAY THE SAME FOR YOU!" Benji yelled, interrupting Milo.

"Honey today is about you and Nat, not me and Jayden." Milo tisked. He shook his head with a smile. "Anyways, I was so excited when they started dating, and even more excited when he told me of his plans to propose. I'm so proud of these two and I can't wait to be Uncle Milo. Cheers."

He raised his glass with a smile and everyone repeated the word. Milo turned to look at me and gave me an encouraging a smile. 

I took a deep breath and allowed him to snake an arm around my waist before I spoke. "I've been friends with Nat and Benji for five years as well, and what Milo failed to mention was the only reason the four of us became friends was because our dorms were directly next to each other. We became friends and I had to listen to Nat gushing over Benji every night."

"You gushed over Milo too!" Nat protested.

"I was in denial throughout our entire college career Nat. Either way, just like Milo, when Benji and Nat started dating I was excited.  I'm still mad I was the last of the four of us to know about the engagement, but I'm so happy for them. Oh, and their kids are gonna love me more than Milo. Cheers!"

I looked over to Milo and saw the look of pure offense on his face.

"This right here will be the reason we break up." He said. We all laughed and the two of us sat back down. 

"Are you serious?" A girl next to Milo asked.

"No, I just wanted to mess with her." He answered, smiling politely. "Plus I love seeing her smile and hearing her laugh."

The girl smiled back at him and turned back to her friend. I bit my lip so I didn't smile as Milo turned back to me. He gave me a small smile, thinking I hadn't heard. He gripped my hand in his and pulled me onto his lap as we watched our best friends have their first dance as a married couple.

"I love you, Jayden." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, Milo."


"Mind if I steal her?" Benji asked Milo, who was currently dancing with me on the dance floor. He looked over to me and I shrugged. Milo moved out of the way and Benji took his place. "Did you mean what you said in your toast?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"So Nat really used gush over me?"

"Fuck. Mayhaps." I said trying to look indifferent.

Benji laughed. "You know I love you right?"

"You're married, Benji." His face lit up at the memory.

"I'm married." I nodded. "I'm gonna go spend time with my wife." He grinned and let Milo step back in.

"What was that about?" Milo asked.

"Our best friend is fucking weird." I shrugged.

"Damn right he is."

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