Chapter 22

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Nat and Benji's baby is born

It was four in the morning and we were at the hospital waiting to hear about our godchild. That's right, Nat was in labor. She had been in labor for 20 hours and considering she wanted a natural birth, it could be longer. I was sitting on Milo's lap in the waiting room and he was trying to convince me to get some sleep.

"Princess, you got barely any sleep last night, please go home and get some sleep." Milo pleaded. His voice was laced with concern and he had every right to be. Over the last couple of years, I had managed to turn youtube into a stable job like my now ex-boss. After the Hawaii trip, I turned it into a vlog and my boss shouted me out on her channel after me telling her not to. I was so thankful to her, considering I continued shooting and editing my own videos and I loved it. It was the reason I was up so late last night though, it was the only downside, thankfully I didn't have to stay up late too often so I could cuddle with Milo at night.

"I'll be alright," I promised him. He sighed, knowing he couldn't change my mind, and rested his head on my shoulder. "I just really don't want to miss this."

"I know princess. They're our best friends and this is our godchild. That doesn't mean you don't need sleep." He reasoned. "At least close your eyes and rest."

"Alright." I gave in. 

The second I closed my eyes the door opened and I heard, "I'm a dad."

My eyes immediately opened and I was on my feet already running towards Benji. I almost tackled him in a hug. He hugged back and Milo joined the hug as well. After a few minutes, we broke apart.

"Now where's my godchild?" I questioned.

"Godson." Benji corrected.

"It's a boy?"

Benji nodded and I could tell he was close to crying from joy. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it and he gave me a smile and led us to Nat's room. We walked in slowly, and she smiled tiredly at us. We walked over to her bed and got a look at the baby.

"Did you chose a name yet?" Milo asked, softly.

Nat nodded, "Taylor. We decided on it before he was born because it would work no matter what gender he was. Do you want to hold him?"

"Nat I-" I stuttered. "I'd love to."

Nat handed Taylor to me and I held him carefully.

"Hi Taylor." I said softly. "I'm your aunt Jayden." I felt a pair of hands slide to my hips and looked up to see Milo looking down at me. "This is your, uncle Milo." Taylor started to quietly fuss. "I know, I'm your favorite already. I don't blame you."

Taylor laughed as if he understood.

"Holy shit!" I whispered. "Nat Taylor laughed, they normally don't do that for a few months."

"How do you know?" Nat asked.

"I've been doing research because I know for a fact I'll be babysitting," I answered. Nat awwed silently and I rolled my eyes. The three of us then sat down and waited for Benji and Nat's parents to get here.


Nat and Benji's parents had arrived, and Milo and I had to leave, there were too many visitors. So now we were at the apartment and Milo was trying to convince me to get some sleep.

"Princess, please get some sleep." He pleaded. I looked over at him, he was in nothing but his boxers, what he normally wore to bed, and was draped across our bed, with an arm on his forehead. "I know how miserable you feel when you don't get enough sleep and I hate seeing you feel like that."

That sentence broke my entire resolve, and I was honestly surprised I had lasted that long anyway, I normally gave in when he said, princess.

"You're so lucky I love you." I said, defeated.

A relieved look formed on his face. "I love you too princess."


I woke up a few hours later to a knock on our bedroom door.

"Come in!" I called rubbing my eyes. The door opened and Milo was on the other side. He made his way to where I was laying and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I got you some Taco Bell, it's in the kitchen, and Nat and Benji need us to house sit."

Oh yeah, Nat and Benji got a new house so Taylor doesn't have to grow up in an apartment.

"That sounds good." I mumbled, playing with his hair. "Hey Milo?" He hummed, not really paying attention because I was playing with his hair and I knew he loved me doing that. "I love you."

He looked up at me, and smiled contently, "I love you too."


"Wanna have sex somewhere we definitely shouldn't?" Milo asked.

"Definitely." I agreed.

"Well how about we start here?" He asked, moving from his position on the couch to on top of me. Don't worry we're not doing it on the couch. He slowly moved to kiss me and I was getting very impatient.

"Milo!" I whined, trying to bring his face closer to mine. A small smile graced his lips as he kissed everywhere but my lips. Eventually, he reached my lips and hovered. I tried to move closer again and he tsked.

"Don't be too eager princess." He said, his tone was very suggestive.

"Oh really?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow. He nodded, and I took it as a challenge. "We'll see who's eager at the end of the night."

My hands went under his shirt and slid up to his shoulders. I felt him tense a but and a soft groan left his mouth.

"You really want to do this?" He questioned. I felt his fingers drift to my inner thigh and I gulped with a nod. "Are you sure?" His fingers drifted upward and I arched my back, digging my nails into his back a little. He groaned and tilted his head back. I remember he liked it so I let go. "You know very well I like when you do that princess."

"I know." I responded smugly.

"Oh, you're about to get it." With that, I was lifted up and spent the rest of the night in a euphoric state, but never being allowed to climax, because Milo was a little tease.

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