Chapter 12

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I took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the room he was staying in.

He opened the door and I asked, "You think I'm giving up on you?" before he could close it.

"Why do you care?" He scoffed.

"Because I care about you dumbass!" I practically yelled. "Now answer the question, do you think I'm giving up on you?"

"Yes!" He admitted, angrily. The anger ceased quickly and I could see the hurt evident on his face. It made me want to cry, I never meant to hurt him.

"Fuck!" I whispered. "That's not how I meant it. I don't want to give up on you, but I realized, I was trying to give up on you, on us, before I even tried."

I was frustrated, and I was a mess. I knew I was. I also knew I fucked up.

"Everything reminded me of you, Milo, everything," I admitted.

He sighed and opened the door wider. "Come inside." I hesitantly walked inside, and he shut the door after me. "Continue."

"At first I was angry, I mean, Vanessa kissed me after I admitted some pretty heavy stuff to her about you, I know I mentioned never getting closure, but I didn't expect her to kiss me. That's why I pushed her away. I had nothing left to feel for her, every romantic feeling I had was nowhere near her."

"Where was it?"

"With you. But that's not the point. I was pissed that we were on a break, at first. So I hid every picture of you because it felt like they were burning me, staring at me, accusing me. But everything reminded me of you. I could barely sleep in my own bed, let alone look at your clothes that had just come back from the wash. So I put them in your closet.

"But I missed one. Guess what it is."

"I don't know Jayden," He sighed.

"Remember the first night we hooked up?" I asked. He nodded. "You threw me this shirt the next morning and I never gave it back."

I played with the hem of my shirt, well his shirt, waiting for his response.

"You're not giving up on me?" He asked I nodded. "Why? Why did you even bother with me in the first place? Why did you have to kiss me like that?"

His voice was breaking and with it my heart.

"Because Milo, I'm in love with you. That's right I'm admitting it. I'm helplessly in love with you. I probably have been for a solid three years now. I think about you every second of every day, you're in my dreams, and I never even dreamed before you. I've never allowed myself to love you as much as I love you and it terrified me so much I thought meaningless sex would do the trick until it didn't. And now I'm stuck here, trying to pick up the pieces of both of our hearts after the mess we put ourselves in."

He took a second to take this all in, then grinned. "Jayden, I've been in love with you for almost four years. I've been trying to wiggle my way into your heart since then, by just being there for you, like I do for people I love. And damn did it pay off. Hearing you say that back was the best thing I've ever heard. I don't think you understand how much I missed simply being around you, fuck princess, I missed you."

I smiled when he called me princess and allowed him to envelop me in a hug.

"I love you, Milo Dunn."

"I love you too, Jayden West."


After makeup sex, we got to talking.

"Neither of us can jump into a relationship right now. Let's ease ourselves in, it makes the most sense." I told him.

"That makes sense, so let's start with a date. Jayden, will you go on a date with me."

A smile graced my face as I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers. "I'd love to."

"I'll take you out for breakfast tomorrow."

"My favorite meal."

I felt his chest vibrate with a chuckle. "What can I say, princess, I know you."

His soft voice was so soothing I practically fell asleep. I never understood how someone as softspoken as Milo could deal with me, Benji, and Nat, especially Nat.

"Goodnight princess. I love you." He whispered placing a kiss on top of my head.

"I love you too, charming. Goodnight."

"Princess?" He asked softly, I hummed meaning he should continue. "Do you want to come to my home town with me?"

"I'd love to baby."

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