Chapter 21

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Literally not even a month later

"I'm pregnant," Nat told me, immediately making me choke on my water. I looked at her to continue. She ran her fingers through her hair and continued, "I found out right after we got engaged. That's why it looks like I'm starting to put on weight."

"Jokes on you, you're still so hot I'd cheat on Milo for you." I winked at her.

"This is why you're my side chick." She winked back.

"So have you thought about names and godparents?"

"We want you and Milo to be the godparents."

I nearly shit myself. "For real?"

"For real!" I hugged Nat, careful not to hurt my godchild.

"You're married and about to have a kid what the fuck." I breathed.

"You and Milo need to catch up I mean is your sex life that lacking?"

"Not even close." I gave her a suggestive smile. I laughed as she visibly shuddered.

"Ew." She breathed.

"Did I ever tell you this?" I asked, a while back Milo and I had decided to tell Nat and Benji about the friends with benefits thing we did, and I told Milo I would tell Nat today. "Me and Milo used to be friends with benefits."



Nat looked mortified after I told her in detail the situation me and Milo were in, and when I went to talk about how good he was in bed, she looked like she was gonna puke.

"Ok, first ew I don't want to hear about that. And two WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The sneaking around, do you really think me and Benji would've cared?"

"Yep. That's why we snuck around, I mean it got easier when we were in the old apartment, because of how far apart the rooms were, but in dorms that were right next to each other, it was tricky."

"So that time Benji stayed in our dorm did you?"

"No actually. I probably should've caught on to the fact that we both had feelings for each other knowing damn well how easy it would've been to hook up, but we didn't. Milo just did what he does best." I shrugged.


"Cuddles," I replied with a straight face. Nat started giggling. "What? Milo has mad cuddling skills."

That did nothing to calm down Nats giggling instead she started giggling harder. The door to Milo and I's apartment opened and Benji and Milo walked in. Milo raised an eyebrow after looking from Nat to me.

"Care to explain why my wife is laughing her ass off?" Benji asked, a smile on his face after calling her his my wife.

"I was just saying that Milo has mad cuddling skills and now she won't stop." I shrugged yet again.

"I mean you're not wrong." Benji agreed with a shrug. I grew a wide grin on my face as I waited for the story. "What? He met my family one time and we didn't have a guest room and I refused to let him sleep on the couch so we both slept on my bed. I woke up and I was being cuddled."

"And?" I questioned.

"I enjoyed it." Benji sighed, making Nat laugh harder and me and Milo start laughing as well. "Fuck you guys."

Benji went to leave and Milo pulled him back.

"Maybe we can cuddle again," Milo said between laughs. Benji went to leave again.

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