Chapter 23

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Taylor's first birthday and a big step in Milo and Jayden's relationship ;)

It was Taylors first birthday recently and I had decided to surprise them with a trip to Disney World.

"Jayden you don't have to." Nat protested.

"Nat I already bought the tickets, and I will murder you if you don't take them, and we'll take Taylor ourselves." I told her. She looked over at Benji who nodded.

"When do we leave?" She breathed.



"DISNEY!!!" Benji shouted running ahead of us as we arrived at the park. I fiddled with the box in my pocket nervously and I felt a hand grab mine. I looked over and smiled at Milo.;

"What's up?" He questioned, pulling me closer.

"You'll see at the best ride here." I told him playfully.

"Splash Mountain?"

"Splash Mountain, just give me a few hours."

"I'll meet you there at noon, alright?" I nodded in agreement and he gave me a swift kiss on the cheek before picking up our godchild and going to the nearest ride. How am I going to pull this off? I took the box out of my pocket and looked fondly at what it held. 

God, I hope he says yes.

Milo's P.O.V.

As I stood with Taylor in the line for a random ride, my hand drifted to the box in my pocket. I knew we had been dating for almost three years and had it coming for four more, but I was worried we were doing this too soon.

God, I hope the says yes.

Jayden's P.O.V.

I was in line with Nat and Taylor for coffee and this entitled Mom was complaining behind us on the phone and I was ignoring the Mom, until she said we looked like a couple of sluts, because of the shorts we were wearing.

I quickly turned around to face her, which grabbed her attention. She hung up the phone and gave me a mean look.

"Hi excuse me, could shut the fuck up with your very loud and very entitled rant, please? You're scaring my godchild." I asked, with mock politeness.

"And why should I do that?" She inquired.

"Because your voice is scaring the children. Oh but please do continue to complain about the two girls in front of you who are wearing 'slutty' shorts because it's summer and we live in Chicago, so it must make us sluts for wearing shorts."

"I bet you two are sluts." She scoffed back. "You're probably wearing those shorts so your friend there can seduce a guy and have another kid for child support."

"Oh yeah, her husband would be she's just dying to seduce that guy over there." I pointed at Benji, "Maybe he'll get her knocked up again so their son can have a sibling and they can continue their happy lives together as a married couple. And while she's doing that you can continue complaining about the fact that 'childless millennials have ruined Disney World' and that 'as a Mom, you shouldn't have to skip lines to get coffee' because 'no one is as tired as you are'" 

"Well, I shouldn't have to wait in line. I'm a working mother and I'm sure you wouldn't understand what it's like to actually work and pay bills."

"Yeah because I got five minutes of sleep over the last three days to make sure my newest youtube video was uploaded and ready so that I could pay my rent and bills for fun. Because I love being codependent I just love it when my boyfriend and parents pay for everything for me, because I must be a spoiled brat." My voice was seething with sarcasm and I felt Nat trying to drag me away. In the corner of my eye, I saw Benji and Milo making their way through the small crowd of people around us. "I'm just gonna wrap this up for you because I want my coffee and I don't want the two guys trying to get over here to worry so here's a quick lesson. One never slut-shame again, that's incredibly rude and judgemental, it's people like you that let rape culture still be a thing just because we're wearing 'short' shorts. Two, don't judge people like that ever again. And three, stop acting entitled because we owe you nothing. Wait in line like the rest of us and get over yourself, you're better than no one here. Now I genuinely hope, you can reflect on this encounter and be a better example for your kid or kids, and that you have a fun rest of your time here. I hope you enjoy your coffee and that next time I see you, you won't be treating people this way. Also, tip your servers 20% and don't be a dick to someone who works minimum wage."

After that I allowed Nat to pull me away as Benji and Milo finally reached the front of the crowd.

"Entitled Mom." Was all the explanation I gave them. I grabbed Taylor and My coffee from Nat and sipped it as I pushed my way through the crowd, knowing Nat would fill them in on what happened. I was not going to let that woman ruin my mood, because Splash Mountain was next, and after that, I was going to ask Milo a very important question.


"Are you sure you're ok?" Milo asked me as we waited in line for Splash Mountain.

"I pinky promise I'm okay," I told him. After pinky promising, he seemed satisfied and carried me up the stairs as the line moved. "You really do make me feel like a princess." I laughed.

"I try, princess." He chuckled softly.

"You succeed every day, which is why I'm glad I'm stuck with you."

"Princess, I think my heart melted a bit."

I rolled my eyes at his comment and he let me down.


Splash Mountain was done and we were both 'tying' our shoes, or at least I was. But after I finished tying them, I pulled the box out of my pocket and opened it up, looking up at Milo who had done that same thing.

Benji and Nat, who had both been videoing started freaking out, and two of us just kind of looked at each other. Neither of us knew what to say. Milo slowly got up, and brought me to my feet as well.

"Well?" Nat asked, loudly.

"I get to go first." I decided. Milo nodded, allowing me to continue. "Milo Dunn, I love you with all my heart. Something I didn't think I'd be doing ever again, but damn, do I love you. I love you so much I can't picture spending my life with anyone but you, your my beautiful boy and no one can beat your cuddles or anything else you do." I tear of happiness rolled down my cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb. "I mean we're so good together we proposed at the same time, and like imagine Taylor as the ring bearer, anyways, I love you and I want to grow old with you, Milo Dunn, will you marry me?"

All he could do is grin and nod, so I slid the ring onto his ring finger.

"Jayden, I've been helplessly in love with you for seven years now, almost eight and not once did I think you'd propose to me, I never even thought you'd feel even remotely the same way, but by some miracle-"

 "Incredible charm." I interrupted.

"Alright, thanks to my incredible charm, good looks, skill in bed, cuddles and whatever else made you fall in love with me, you did. And I've fallen more and more in love with you every day. Every time we, you know, and you left, I hated it. I hated not being able to be with you all the time, strings and everything. That's all I want, is to be with you, and only you, so I bought the ing, and I made to get a princess cut, because well you're my princess, I try to treat you like one, so I thought you deserved a princess cut ring. And it's really pretty like you. I'm not gonna lie, I was scared I was going to ask too early, but you proved me wrong, so Jayden West, will you marry me."

I nodded with the same grin on my face and watched as he gently grabbed my hand and slid the ring on my finger. Another tear of happiness slid down my cheek and Milo wiped it away again.

"The only crying I want you to do because of me is happy crying, ok princess?"

I nodded as a few more tears escaped, but the grin stayed on my face.

"KISS ALREADY!!" Benji shouted. Soon a group of people was chanting for us to kiss.

I looked up at Milo, who slid his hands around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. My arms went to wrap around his neck and he lifted me off the ground. I broke away from the kiss with a giggle as he twirled me around. After a couple more twirls he set me back down and pressed his forehead to mine.

"I can't wait to be Jayden Dunn Dunn Dunnnn." I whispered with a giggle. Milo chuckled quietly and placed another kiss on my lips.

"I can't wait either." He breathed and pulled me into a hug. He rested his chin on my head and hugged me tightly.

"I love you, Milo."

"I love you too, Jayden."

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