Chapter One

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Wooyoung's p.o.v

"Come on. It's only for a couple of hours. He doesn't even have to know" whines Yeosang for the fifth time in a row. I sigh deeply and turn my chair so I'm facing him.

"Listen, I love you and I really want to attend your amazingly exciting birthday at the remarkably appropriate club but I don't want to upset San. Especially not after the last time we went out" I sarcastically reply as I emphasize on 'the last time' and turn back to my laptop. I try to assemble my wandering thoughts so I can finish today's work and call my boyfriend but I suppose Yeosang has other plans.

"If you don't come to my party I'll leak your nudes" he smugly says and crosses his arms over his chest. My eyes widen at his threat and approach him swiftly. "You wouldn't dare" I hiss under my breath. "Try me bitch" he retorts, smirking. I bite my lower lip and pounder the idea in my head. It's just a party though, right? Nothing can go wrong if I keep my glass strictly empty and watch out carefully for any old pedophiles. Besides, San is out of town so he wouldn't mind me coming back home a tiny bit later.

I close my eyes tightly and reopen them directly after only to glare daggers into my best friend's amused ones. "Fine" I whisper lowly and he jumps with enthusiasm as he begins blabbering about all the fun we're going to have tonight.


By the time eight o'clock rolls, I was already dressed in my tight ripped jeans and a black long sleeved shirt that hugs my torso smugly. I slip on my shoes, check my phone for any missed calls from San, and take one last look at my reflection in the mirror. I run my hand through my grey hair and can't help but wonder if tonight will really go as smoothly as I want it to. Knowing my golden luck, I'll probably be caught in a degrading act I didn't even commit. I shake my head slightly and head out. I wait for Yeosang to pick me up as i listen to Wave nodding my head to the beat. As I see his car approaching, I stop the music and put on the best annoyed expression I can master.

"Hey asshole, who twisted your panties?" I glare at him and get in slamming the door shut afterwards. "Don't be a dick. You'll enjoy this party. It's different this time" he comments and speeds down the road. "You say that every year yet we always end up with huge catastrophes none of us know how to handle" I reach for the AUX and plug in my phone. I instantly play catchy songs in an attempt to rid the atmosphere of the rapidly growing tension.

As soon as we arrive, Yeosang makes his way to the dance floor to greet his guests as I slump down on a stool at the bar.

"What can I get you sir?" The bartender asks showcasing a friendly smile.

"A coke" I smile back and play with the rings on my fingers. I scan the people surrounding me in search of a somewhat mature friend who can keep me company. Sadly, I find no good nominees and end up quietly sipping on my coke.

"Well hello there princess" a voice blooms beside me but I decide to ignore it, assuming it was definitely meant for someone other than me. In the following thirty seconds, I a feel light tap on my shoulder and I turn my head only to be met with a puffed lean chest hidden under a velvety black dress shirt. I tilt my head upwards and gawk at his sharp jawline that can cut through glass, his pink rosy lips and his long delicate nose that contrasted his sharp dark brown eyes.

His upper lip curves upwards slowly into a satisfied smirk and I roll my eyes. Typical bad boy behavior. What do you expect from a man wearing all black from head to toe walking around like he owns the place, flaunting his flawless tall and well-built body, calling strangers 'princess'?

He chuckles darkly, pulls out the stool right next to me, plops down, places both of his arms on the bar on top of each other, rests his shin on the open palm of his right hand and directs his gaze towards me. Quietness dominates the air around us as he seems to be drinking up every detail about me, I gulp loudly feeling goosebumps racking my skin with every passing minute. He chuckles again, but this time he is more amused than offended. He extends his hand and very slowly tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. From some odd reason, I refrain from yelling at him, I refrain from storming out. Instead, I blush a deep crimson red and duck my head down. This time, his laughter flows through my ear like a soft symphony and I almost smile at the angelic sound.

"Didn't think you'd be that shy princess" he begins and my tongue is suddenly tied to the roof of my mouth. I usually fire back sarcastic remarks, but for the sake of me I couldn't come up with anything worth saying. He pulls my stool closer to his by his foot and I can feel my heartbeat quickening considerably. I gulp once more and cast my gaze to the polished marvel floor beneath us.

"Thirsty?" he whispers straight to my ear and I flinch noticeably. I shake my head aggressively and he orders two different drinks that I don't recognize but I bet they have some sort of alcohol in them. I open my mouth to refuse his offer but I feel a heavy weight pouncing on my back and I can already tell it's Yeosang. I let out a breath of relief that I didn't know I was holding.

"I see you've met my cousin" he beams brightly and I force a shaky smile on my lips.

"He's hot right?" throws Yeosang suggestively, or so I thought, and I can't help but nod nervously and take a glimpse of the stranger.

"My name is Mingi by the way. Song Mingi" his husky deep voice breaks the awkward silence not a minute later and I look back at him. "Jung Wooyoung" I extend my hand to shake his but he takes me by surprise when he raises my hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on my skin. I retract my hand and place it in my lap.

"Oh and Woo, you can have a couple of drinks. Mingi will be driving us back home and don't worry he doesn't drink because he physically can't" Yeosang pats me on the back and yells enjoy as he squeezes his way through the heavy ocean of people dancing all around the packed place.

Mingi then, after making sure Yeosang has completely disappeared, turns my stool so I'm forced to face him and places the ordered drink in front of me.

"So, Jung Wooyoung, tell me about yourself" he asks casually asks he takes a big gulp of his drink.

Love Lies-WOOGI/WOOSANWhere stories live. Discover now