Chapter Two

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Wooyoung's p.o.v

"Well I'm 23 years old" I say, rubbing my hands for a second before continuing "I work with Yeosang in a small company" I really don't know what exactly I should be telling him and what I should keep to myself. Therefore, I seal my mouth shut in hopes of boring him so he can find another prey.

He leans closer, examines my face and purses his lips "That's good to know. But tell me something more exciting" he whispers, his face remaining dangerously close to mine.

I avert my gaze and admire the materiel of his black dress shirt "I...I like black coffee?" my answer comes out closer to a question and I curse myself for sounding so damn nervous. But can you blame me? He is practically kissing me for goodness sake!

"And I like pretty shy boys like yourself" he replies seductively before he lifts my chin up so I'm only capable of staring at his eyes. And as bad as it sounds, I find myself lost in the galaxy hidden in his orbs. "I have a boyfriend" I manage to squeak out, placing my hands flat on his chest, trying to keep him from getting any closer. "And I have a horse" he states nonchalantly.

I squint my eyes in confusion. How the hell is a horse related to a boyfriend? Is he retarded or something? "I can't begin to fathom why on earth you just said that" I voice my disbelief and he shrugs before gulping the remaining of his drink. "I thought we were both naming unnecessary things we own"

Speechless, I back up a little, stand up before I am harshly pulled down to my previous sitting position, but this time I find myself straddling his lap rather than my stool. I panic inside yet remain unbelievably motionless on the outside. "I don't know who the hell you think I am, but I can't do that with you" I finally find my voice again and spit out disgustedly.

"I told you already, I think you are beautiful and I'd like to get to know you better" he smirks as his fingertips brush my neck and chest lightly.

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. LET GO" I shout at him and push his hands away, but unfortunately since the music is blasting so loudly nobody heard my furious demand and so I was left to pry this pervert off of me all alone.

"Hey calm down. Calm. Down" he shushes me and sits me down on my stool before he kneels before me, resting his arms on my knees and looking me straight in the eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk. I swear" he says calmly before he strokes my cheek lightly. My cheeks are decorated with a deep shade of red and I don't understand how my heart betrays my mind and beats faster at every sweet action he does.

"I'm not a pervert. You just seem intriguing and I would be honored if I can become your friend. Or at least one of your acquaintances." He carries on with his explanation and I find myself nodding unconsciously at his request. He smiles, although it looked more like a devilish smirk, and regains his seat again.

We talk for hours on end, or at least that's how it felt. Once the hour strikes 12, I excuse myself, ready to collapse on my bed and reward myself with some much needed sleep. He insists on driving me to my house especially since Yeosang is drunk out of his mind and I acquiesce. When we reach our destination, he opens the door for me and walks me to my doorstep. I smile at him thankfully and invite him inside.

"Nah I think I should let you rest" he refuses politely "for today" he smirks and I swear I saw something sparkle in his eyes but as soon as it appeared, it completely vanished. "Besides, I should probably go check up on Yeosang before he winds up dead in some dark alley" he excuses himself, wishes me a good night and peaceful sleep. Although I'm certain it will be anything but peaceful.

I unlock my front door and make my way to my bedroom. I throw myself at my white mattress and kick off my shoes. I ignore the fact that I should perhaps change my clothes and take off my makeup, but I'm too drained to be bothered with such pointless details. I close my eyes, sigh in content and drift into deep slumber.

I'm awoken by the obnoxious sound of my phone ringing somewhere in my room. I stumble to it sleepily and groan at the pain that strikes my brain.

"Hello?" I greet, surprised by the roughness of my voice.

"Good morning to you too sunshine." I don't even know how Yeosang can be cheerful in the ungodly hours of the morning, especially that he was drunk out of his mind the night prior.

"What do you want?" I hiss and hear him explode in laughter. This kid is really goddamn annoying. Why the hell am I still friends with him anyways?

"Oh don't act like you're not happy to hear from me Wooyoungie" he coos over the phone and I have the sudden urge to throw up.

"So you're calling me to bless me with your angelic voice?" I ask, sarcastically and receive another cute laughter in return. Well okay, Yeosang is cute. Too cute for my liking.

"No, I just wanted to tell you that you are super late to work and the boss is going to slaughter you" my eyes widen immediately and I retract my phone to check the time. 11 A.M.

"You dickhead" the line goes silent and I throw my phone to the floor. I run around my very very tidy room in search for an appropriate outfit. Luckily, I find a blue dress shirt and jeans in two different corners. I quickly put them on, run my hands through my hair, grab my phone and keys and sprint.

By the time I arrive to my office, I am already panting from the amount of stairs I ran. Yeosang looks at me amusingly as I burst into the room and lean on the now open wooden door. I throw him a dirty look and a book. The latter falls right in his lap and he yelps then laughs. Again.

"I can't believe you didn't wake me up earlier you asshole" I say in disbelief.

"Well it isn't my fault you don't know how to use modern technology to put an alarm" He comments and I open my mouth to cuss at him again "and by the way, Mingi asked for your phone number so I gave it to him"

Mingi? Why would he want my phone number?

"Why are you blushing?" I can hear the smirk in his voice without having to look up from my desk.

"I'm not, it's the heat" I try to reason.

"Yeah sure, and I like girls" he rolls his eyes and smiles.

"What did he say?" I mumble. I couldn't help it; the curiosity just took over me okay? I don't like him.

"That you are fun to talk to and that he is glad he came here because he finally found someone interesting enough to hang out with." I smile slightly but then bite my lip so it won't show "and that you are very pretty and cute" I duck my head down and smile widely then raise it a second later.

"Cute? Excuse you and him but I am HOT" I reply, running my hands down my torso at the word 'hot'

"Really woo, you should stop hallucinating"

"Get back to work asshole"

I turn my chair, focusing on my laptop so that perhaps I could finish some work before the day comes to an end. But for some unknown reason, I couldn't get the image of Mingi saying I'm pretty out of my head. I shake my head violently. No Wooyoung, you 'have a very lovely boyfriend who treats you right. And whom you haven't called in two days. Shit!

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