Chapter Five

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Wooyoung's p.o.v
I steal quiet glances at Mingi every now and then without meaning to. My eyes automatically direct themselves from the screen to his face and i can't stress enough how breathtaking he looks from the side. He's really a work of art. But still, not as handsome as my San.
'I'm hungry, wanna grab some pizza?' His voices breaks my silent staring and i snap my head to the front so quickly that i swear i could have broken my neck. He taps my shoulder gently and i pretend to be so immersed in the movie and ignore his first touch.
'Hm?' I hum in reply and he chuckles. I furrow my eyebrows, oh God don't tell me he caught me looking at him.
'You know, if you had taken a picture you could stare at me all the time without blushing this much' He retorts and i feel the blood rushing to my ears. It isn't his sarcastic comment that made me so flustered, but it's the way he whispered it so lowly in my ear.
'If i didn't know better i would think you're actually into me' he keeps on whispering, his voice getting lower and lower with every word he utters. His left arm sneaks its way around my waist while his right one hugs my upper torso close to his.
I close my eyes in discomfort, my breathing growing more rapid, goosebumps drawing patterns along my sides and my lips trembling with every breath i take. He leans his chin and rests it on my head. He places his plump lips on my neck and freezes for a moment. Then he proceeds to suck so softly i can barely feel it for a few seconds until his lips get more agressive and he resolves to nipping and biting the flesh.
I whimper at the pain and astonishingly find my body reacting so well to his touches.
I squeeze my eyes tightly and cling to his arms that are still wrapped around  me like snakes. Once he had enough of my neck, he moves down to my shoulders but this time he is kissing them ever so gently and inhaling in after every couple of kisses. My skin feels like it's on fire, as if his lips are flames leaving a hot trail of ashes behind them.
I try to contain my sounds. I try to force my body to refuse the pleasure. Nevertheless, my member rebels against my orders and stands tall and proud. By now, my face is flushed, my body is shaky and my moans are progressively getting louder.
He stops
He's barely breathing
He's not moving at all
I'm trembling in anticipation
He notices
He does nothing
It feels like ages before his hands free my clutched clothing and his lips are nowhere near me. He lifts me up and places me down next to him, further away than i initially was. He stands up, runs his hand through his silky hair, glances at me and then pokes his inner cheek with his tongue. My eyes widen in surprise.
Why did he do that ?
And most importantly
Why did he stop?
My breathing doesn't go back to normal. In fact, the only voice that can be heard in the tense atmosphere is my hard inhaling and exhaling.
'I'll grab something to eat' his voice is hoarse and i can tell it takes a lot of effort from him to actually walk out of the front door. As soon as he's out, i collapse on the sofa.
What on earth just happened?
My mind is running on an overdrive, pumping so many horrible thoughts and what ifs and what abouts that i feel my head about to explode. My heart doesn't calm down and i can't even begin to comprehend why i reacted the way i did. Why didn't i push him away. Why did lean into his touch. I mean i get it, he is hot and obviously experienced. But that's no excuse for what i did.
I slap my hands down on my face.
What did i just do?
I'm by no means a cheater. I never thought i would ever think about anyone besides my significant other, let alone let anyone else touche me so intimately.
One name echos in my head as fears floods my vein.
San San San
I don't want to lose him . He is the love of my life. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't want it to. Yet i still enjoyed it. And i didn't put an end to it. Instead i completely melted in his arms, allowed him to do as he pleased with me. Regardless of my open state, he treated me so kindly, and he didn't take advantage of me despite the fact that i laid there, cooperative and ready to take whatever he offered .
This is so sick
I am so sick
I don't know what i'm supposed to do but i know the only person who'll help me through this is none other than Yeosang. So i dial his number as the tears slowly but surely stream down my face
Gosh how many times did i cry these past couple of days? Perhaps more times than i did in the last 10 years combined.
'Hola papi como estas' Yeosang's fake accent and loud voice takes me by surprise as i sit up straight and take a deep breath, ready to start my rant.
'Cut the bullshit this is serious' despite wanting to sound angry and mad, my voice comes out broken and my words devastated.
'Oh damn what's wrong baby?' His voice is now concerned and worried, and that causes an ember of guilt to build up in my chest. Is it really worth telling him? Maybe i should just ignore the matter and deal with it some other time. And alone.
'We need to step our game up for the job' please God please don't let me make a noticeable lie 'i overheard Chaewon's and Mina's conversation and allegedly the boss is firing and especially young ones' now that was a decent lie. I mentally high five myself and smile slightly in victory.
'So no more porn during work hours' he questions sadly and my eyes almost pop out of their sockets.
'Yeosang! You were watching porn at work?? How reckless can one get!' He giggles cheekily and apologizes quickly
'I'm just messing with you dude. But yeah got it. Now are you sure this is it?' I nod vigorously and stutter out a positive response
'Are you like sure sure?' He emphasizes on the sure but i hold on to the lie and bottle up my tears.
'Okay then. If you say so. I'm going back to stalking hot dudes on Instagram. Call me if you need me chica. Bbye' i shake my head in disbelief. Yeosang has to have come from another planet. He can't be human.
I take a deep breath and slam the phone on the table in-front of me, thankful that the drama is temporarily put on hold but my relief gets stolen as i hear the front door creek open.
Helloo. This wasn't much of a smut but if you'd  prefer having a warning before hand please comment below. Thank you for your support!
*inserts smily woo sticker*

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